Looking through her mothers Grimoire, Bonnie tells her there didnt seem to be anything in there to help. Bonnie also revealed to Elena that she is a descendant of the Salem sorcerers, and that she and her grandmother are supposedly witches. I Don't Like The Gilberts Or The Salvatores, Bonnie Bennett/Katherine Pierce/Damon Salvatore, Through all the seasons (Id still choose you), bonnie bennett is done with everyones shit, Bonnie Bennett & Damon Salvatore Friendship, Bonnie Bennett/Jeremy Gilbert (Past mentions). After apologizing for using it, Luka allows her to enter. John's life for Elena. Elijah However, Bonnie was reluctant, thinking of him as Elena's 'kid brother', but eventually gave into her feelings for him. They soon discover that Elijah promised Luka and his father that if they help him, he will get Lukas sister back from Klaus. When Bonnie didn't know what was happening with her abilities she went to her for help. It was meant to kill Vampires.At the Salvatore house, Damon, Stefan, Elena and Bonnie discuss how they can save Jeremy. He stays over and the two of them share a bed when Bonnie has a dream where Esther tells her that the witches need her to finish what she started. Bonnie/Emily tells Elena that she is going to destroy the necklace and that Damon will never get it back. Soon, Stefan convinces her to help out. Will he corrupt her or will she change him? She will always go out of her way to protect the people she loves and help others in need without asking for anything in return. Since then, Bonnie has taken witchcraft much more seriously. Bonnie does however have another idea that might work. She also reveals that Bonnie has to stop a human heart in order to stop a vampire's heart. Making sure they were still breathing, they look at the coffin and are shocked to see it was empty.It is later revealed that Esther was in the fourth coffin. Asking Jeremy for a hair from Elenas hair brush, Bonnie begins another spell. Taking the necklace off, Bonnie goes to touch it and it burns her too. Work Search: Stefan and Damon finds an unconscious Stefan and Damon head into the cave to see how Bonnie and her mother were doing. She overhears someone talking to Derek about the self-defense classes he offers & decides to take them. This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Bonnie Bennett & Kol Mikaelson & Rebekah Mikaelson, The Bamon Diaries - Song Inspired Collections, Caroline's Past Consent Issues with Damon, Truly Extraordinary Levels of Elijah Pining, Elena Gilbert/Kol Mikaelson/Bonnie Bennett, Bonnie Bennett/Jeremy Gilbert/Kol Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert/Elijah Mikaelson/Rebekah Mikaelson/Kol Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett/Elena Gilbert/Rebekah Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert/Kol Mikaelson/Bonnie Bennett/Rebekah Mikaelson, Jeremy Gilbert/Bonnie Bennett/Rebekah Mikaelson, Minor Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson/Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore/Stefan Salvatore, Past Elena Gilbert/Stefan Salvatore - Relationship, Glamrock Bonnie/Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Foxy (Original Five Nights at Freddy's Character), Montgomery Gator (Five Nights at Freddy's), Take a Chance With Me Darling (let me rock your world), Bonnie Bennett/Kol Mikaelson/Stefan Salvatore, past Bonnie Bennett/Jeremy Gilbert - Relationship, Collection of Bonnie Centric Short Stories. They celebrate the finality of a Klaus free life. What started off as one night, spiraled into a lot more than Bonnie expected to take on. Elena hesitatingly gives her the water. However, seeing how Jeremy looks, he decides to stay the night. Bonnie refuses to give it back. She tells him that she knows who she is now and understands her powers. Elena is kidnapped by Rose and Trevor and Elijah shows up. What if after Grams death, Bonnie met more Bennetts, and started to get to know a certain hybrid before he actually unlocked his hybrid side. Now with the spell linking her and Elena's life together, she snaps. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", After Grams' death, Bonnie Bennett moves back to Beacon Hills. Maya Alexis Carson had 27 years of life before she died, her death was boring, uneventful, but unexpected. Bonnie Bennett awoke with drool on her arm, she must have dozed off. In 162 Candles, Bonnie decides to pack up at her grandmother's and go home. Once Mason is next to her, Bonnie uses her abilities and soon Mason is grabbing his head in pain. She tells them that there is some kind of magic with the Elena's Necklace. Before her departure, Sheila gives words of encouragement to Bonnie, reminding her of her strength, and how proud she is of how far Bonnie has come. He tells her that he needs to save his brother and doesn't listen to her warning and enters the burning building. Stefan is waiting there for her. While doing so, Bonnie desperately tries to get through to Enzo. He tells her that he would not hurt her and in fact, he can help her get rid of Emily. Sheila arrives at home and tells her that she won't find her answer in a book. Under mysterious circumstances, Bonnie finds herself being able to wield dark magic. In early part of the first season, her style was very much "normal", regular denim, blue jeans with colored t-shirts. Calling out, Bonnie suddenly falls through the ground into a secret chamber. Bonnie Bennett is the first and only witch to use the deadliest and most dark magic, Expression within the tv show. These are a compilation of all my vampire diaries imagines. Not ever again. Throughout the years, one person has always been there for her. Set after the season three finale. The two share a heartfelt goodbye before Sheila finds peace, beyond the Other Side. Together with Elena and Matt she shows up at Caroline's house to surprise her with a birthday party. It could be assumed that since her mother abandoned her, that it was her Grams that had raised Bonnie for most of her life. Will the waiting end? He tells her that they are no longer suffering and that only blood can bring them back. Inside, Jeremy reveals that he thinks he's found a spell that might help and decides to ask Stefan to bring Johnathan Gilbert's journals for more information. Bonnie is then seen at the Boarding House with Damon as they wait for Abby to arr rive. Little did she know about all the supernatural things and creature. In Haunted, Bonnie learns more and more about witchcraft from her grandmother, Sheila. Though in the end none of them can say that they had any regrets, and that's more than anyone else could hope for. Bonnie Bennett | Roblox: Mystic Falls Wiki | Fandom Once again, Bonnie gives Elena the cold shoulder. Elena pulls Bonnie aside to talk more privately about exactly whats been going on with Katherine and Caroline. After Esther is stabbed by Alaric, Bonnie breaks the spell and Stefan thanks her. Elena tries to also follow but Bonnie stops her. Yet, like most things in her life good enough goes left and leaves her with another ending. While she filled the role of counselor and confidante to all of her friends, Bonnie is a feisty, yet empathetic witch, who discovered her powers just in time to help out her family and friends. Looking for the necklace, Bonnie, Caroline and Elena are about to give up. Right away though, Elena notices that Bonnie is acting very distant and she does not know why. In Founder's Day, the parade is underway and Bonnie sees Elena and Caroline on the Miss Mystic Falls float. Bonnie turns around and leaves without saying a word. So why does if feel like he's the one saying goodbye? Slow updates Characters x Black!Reader KLONNIE short fic, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11865996/1/gift-from-the-past, klonnie fic , it is an au still supernatural starts after prom night, pregnant Bonnie leaves Mystic falls in attempt to offer her unborn child a chance at a calm life but five years later she is forced to knock at klaus door seeking for his help and protection bringing with her the gift and secrets of the past but also trouble. After Caroline transitioned into a vampire, Bonnie was angry over this and lashed out at Damon but eventually Bonnie's love for her friend overcame her natural dislike for vampires and the two were best friends again. Elena sees Bonnie and approaches her. Ever since Bonnie becomes a little distant from Caroline. Got reborn as a witch, which is like my dream come true don't get me wrong but as Bonnie Bennet? There, she sees she is not alone. She then decided to lock herself in the garage with the engine of Damon's car running, trying to suffocate herself to death. He promises to take Elijah to them if he saves him. During Bonnie's early childhood, Bonnie became best friends with both Caroline Forbes and Elena. It's not his job to fall in love with her and show her how she should be loved, but that doesn't mean that he won't. A moment later, the necklace is nowhere to be found. Unseen, during the events of Season One and December 22, 2011, by this time Bonnie would have told Elena about her heritage. Bonnie enters her grandmothers room and notices she's not breathing. figurative language in the phoenix and the turtle. Outside of school, Elena asks Bonnie why she never took her calls while she was gone and Bonnie tells her that she just wasn't in the mood to talk. Jeremy tries to convince Bonnie that she is not strong enough to carry out this spell. Freddy wants answers but is he prepared to rebel to get them? Bonnie was ready to leave at the end of The Vampire Diaries. "You know, the Witch people," Damon said. Although she has shown that she is generally a positive and optimistic person, she has also shown that she is capable of being depressive, withdrawn, martyring, and apathetic. Since she's here she might as well fix things before the Mikaelsons can mess it up, again. Reaching down to pick up her book bag, it comes open on her Grimoire. Besides Elena being involved, Caroline and Bonnie have never shared a disagreement until Season Seven, when Bonnie is forced to become a Supernatural Huntress. She had more important things to worry about, anyway. He ventures to a place where Magic and Death ar Caroline regrets the way she treated Klaus, and now she is given a second chance to make things right. Or, perhaps a fire beginningJourney with everyone's favorite Bennett Witch to the Viking Era for much needed lessons in devotion, courtesy the Lothbrok brothers. Luka explains that his father has been collecting them for years. (Bonnie x Scott) Teen Wolf storyline ( + dash of TVD drama). The day Bonnie left Mystic Falls behind. Bonnie Bennett belongs to the lycan wolf pack called the Night Walkers. Despite all the pain, loss and suffering that she has endured, Bonnie still remains rather strong, especially in the face of danger and adversity. Dr. Martin storms through the Gilberts front door after a visit from Elijah. Jeremy admits that Elena went to see Damon and Alaric warns that he's in bad shape and the cops are after him. Seconds later, he sits up straight and grabs her head between his hands. Losing her grandmother was the hardest thing for her to endure, but she continued on moving forward. Bonnie caught his eyes before pressing her face to the glass. Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna, she then informed Caroline who in turn relayed this information to Bonnie. As she listens to her,she tries to light a candle. No doubt, in many ways Mystic Falls was a place full of bad memories for Bonnie. Once Elena finds out, Bonnie tells Caroline that Elena will never forgive her. I only dare to reimagine them in different scenarios. The candles begin to flicker some more and Bonnie decides it's enough. The day Caroline walked up her best friend's front porch and was met with her father's saddened face and a letter explaining to her why Bonnie had left. With the help of a witch he had tracked down the only woman who in thousands of years Klaus had fallen in love with. However, Bonnie changes her mind and decides to become Carolines maid of honor after all, but only for Carolines sake. Elena fills her in with all that has happened. Bonnie and her mother Abby meet up with Esther and Finn at the old mansion. After saving Bonnie, their friendship is almost immediately restored as they begin tracking down the Armory's monster and Damon and Enzo. Realizing that she over reacted, Caroline apologized to Bonnie. Bonnie asks if he is a witch but he admits he is a warlock. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Kassandra Castillo is a 17 year old girl who escaped to Mystic Falls with her little brother and sister to get away from her abusive parents. But also free from the two brothers that had been taking choices away from her from the moment theyd come to town. ( publish may 2, 2022 - completed january 13, 2023). Before he does so, she comes to say good bye to him. Historical Context Warning: Vikings. Dr. Martin doesnt hear her and soon the lights up above start to explode. When Bonnie left Mystic Falls, she did it to start a new life. The fire stops and Damon is okay. In The New Deal, Bonnie slowly approaches the old mansion and walks in. She even tried to kill him, even when he did not try to defend himself, Bonnie left him in 1903 as revenge for what he did to her. Once alone, Bonnie calls Elena and verifies that Elena is not yet arrived. Klaus Mikaelson Has A Heart. Seeing they have no choice, Bonnie begins the chanting spell. Disclaimer: (AU but isn't all fanfics? She tells him that if she dies it was to save Elena, him, and everybody else. If you're not welcomed at home then why stay. This only strains Damon and Bonnie relationship even more, but they ally together anyways. She throws the necklace into the fire. Bonnie saves Jaimie by giving her an aneurysm. It's time for me to move on" Bonnie needs a change. In Bad Moon Rising, at the Mystic Grill, Stefan asks Bonnie to help Caroline out and put a spell on another ring so Caroline could walk in the sun. Instead of rejecting her new circumstances, she sets off on a new path toward freedom and liberation which meant she has to destroy the Other Side. Bonnie Bennett spent the summer thinking of her failure to kill the wretched hybrid Klaus Mikaelson. Femslash. Bonnie suspirou, descendo tambm da escada. When someone from Mystic Falls shows up out of nowhere, will it ruin everything they have, or make them stronger? Bonnie has very expressive, soulful, dreamy and beautiful eyes; they are large, round and almond-shaped which are seen to be olive green in coloring. At first she refuses but finding out that it will in the end protect Elena, Bonnie agrees. For a new family, would soon come to Mystic Falls, with one member in particular, seeking out . Unfortunately, with a certain family residing there, thats next to impossible. Four times Bonnie came back, and the one time she didn't. mcgilley state line obituaries. After being resurrected as the Anchor, she cut her hair to chin length, in a straight bob cut style. TVD Season 6, Episode 15The Original Season 3, Episode 14, NB : this story Contains a trigger warning (mentions of Sexual Assault.). Slow burn over the years. FanFiction. In Home, Bonnie gets trapped on the other side with Damon, thus ending their relationship. I don't own The Vampire Diaries or The OriginalsAll credits go to its rightful owner(s). She is best friends with Caroline Forbes, Elena Gilbert, Christine Meade, Matt Donovan, Damon Salvatore, and her boyfriend, Jeremy Gilbert. Using Alarics empty classroom, Bonnie uses a drop of Jeremys blood, Bonnie begins the spell and soon she has the exact location where Elena is. Damon grabs Elena and takes her in as leverage. Info: You're a witch. Lucy tells Bonnie that she is a good witch and that in the middle is exactly where she belongs. AUTHOR'S NOTE AU TVD + TO- Of Deviants & Barbarians: Book 1 -. dave chappelle: the closer vinyl. She is a witch and also Bonnie's cousin. This breaks Bonnie's heart and this severely damaged their friendship. He shows her into a room where she sees old Grimoire's. Understanding, they both settle in for a quiet evening working on her spells. . Bonnie tells her that since the Vampires escaped from the tomb, it means that her grandmother died for nothing. A collection of random Klaus x Bonnie oneshots. But when Derek drags him to the yearly awards dinner within the company, he is forced to play boyfriend for the night to make Derek's ex jealous. I yelled. Not being able to spend another second in Mystic Falls she runs away from her heartbroken friends leaving behind the painful memories. Bonnie and Jeremy are at Elena's house when Jeremy reads the warning the witches gave to Bonnie and is upset because if Bonnie uses too much power she will die. Bonnie threw a snowball at Elena and also revealed that her father is taking her on a trip and that she'd miss Christmas with her friends, so Elena revealed that she was going to convince her parents to let Bonnie stay for the holidays as they've never spent a holiday apart from each other. As shown by several dances and parties, she likes to dress up in costume. With a fianc and her life starting anew, Bonnie makes a few too many mistakes when she falls into the arms of another man. Later, when they clean the ashes that which were burned Jeremy opens up to Bonnie, telling her about the ghosts. Jeremy shows up and gives her a hand. Having been a cheerleader, Bonnie has a slim yet athletic figure. Bonnie is trapped in an abusive relationship with Dr. Damon Salvatore. Later, in Carolines room, Bonnie prepares to put a spell on the Lapis Lazuli ring. Bonnie counteracts by saying there's always a choice and every choice he makes someone ends up suffering because of them. Bonnie chants a spell and Emily ends up possessing her body and Stefan asks how to heal a Werewolf Bite. It would be useless now but Isobel would have no idea. With a fianc and her life starting anew, Bonnie makes a few too many mistakes when she falls into the arms of another man. It took one night for them to go back to normal one fateful night. Stefan is an idiot, Damon is not better, and everyone hates Katherine. On the next page, she notices a rope with two knots. He explains that together they can be strong. However, a phone call to a certain NOLA resident later leads to her being cornered with an ultimatum that she can't ignore, even if it does include her following a few rules set by Klaus first Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1995), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms (789), Bonnie Bennett/Malachai "Kai" Parker (363), Bonnie Bennett/Lorenzo "Enzo" St. John (210), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (493), Elijah Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Malachai "Kai" Parker/Original Female Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lucien Castle/Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson, Damon Salvatore/Original Male Character(s), Bonnie Bennett & Damon Salvatore Friendship, Caroline Forbes & Damon Salvatore Friendship, Caroline Forbes & Stefan Salvatore Friendship, Elena Gilbert/Elijah Mikaelson/Klaus Mikaelson, Five Ways Katherine Is Thwarted (And One Way She Isn't), the Katherine possession arc is gross and I hate it, but more importantly they did a really lazy job with it, Bonnie Bennett & Caroline Forbes & Elena Gilbert, Kol Mikaelson & Original Female Character(s), Elijah Mikaelson & Finn Mikaelson & Klaus Mikaelson & Kol Mikaelson & Rebekah Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson & Klaus Mikaelson & Rebekah Mikaelson, Damon Salvatore & Original Female Character(s), Stefan Salvatore & Original Female Character(s), Damon Salvatore & Stefan Salvatore & Original Female Character(s), Bonnie Bennett & Caroline Forbes & Elena Gilbert & Original Female Character(s), Michelle and Kol are like brother and sister, Michelle come to Mystic Falls and bring Chaos with her, Damon Salvatore/Original Female Character(s), Klaus Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Alaric Saltzman/Original Female Character(s), Lorenzo "Enzo" St. John/Original Female Character(s), Mikael (Vampire Diaries)/Original Female Character(s), Silas (Vampire Diaries)/Original Female Character (s), Damon Salvatore/Lorenzo "Enzo" St. John/Caroline Forbes, Klaus Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s)/Malachi "Kai" Parker, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Rebekah Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Kol Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Avengers Team & Original Female Character(s), Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War), Klaus trying to help Caroline out during a difficult time but not knowing how.

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