2002 65,000 Hagees decades-long career of fulmination against homosexuality and LGBT rights includes sermons with titled such as the 1996 sermon Homosexuality: Alternative or Abomination (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iDAeQCUEYA) in which Hagee claimed that AIDS could be spread by mosquitoes and, quoting one alleged medical authority, asked, are you worried about your salad being served in a restaurant that employs homosexuals? 2013 177,877 (South Tampa Fellowship). 2010 5,100 A Christian school in Kansas is at the centre of mounting controversy after it emerged that it reserved the right to expel students if any of their family members were gay or transgender. 2007 34,400 Focus on The Family currently provides three publications concerning the issue of homosexuality. Here are further demographic highlights of the leadership team: The Compassion International executive team is 36% female and 64% male. Preliminary independent, secular research in the Journal of Political Economy studied the organization, concluding that it had large and statistically significant impacts on participants' years of school completion, the probability of later employment, and the quality of that employment, in part as a consequence of improved self-esteem and expectations in participating children. Our holistic child development model is delivered 2012 42,325 The Family Foundation of Virginia 2012 9,000, Philadelphia Biblical University (EIN 23-0973290). At The Gathering 1997, this Fieldstead special team presented a sophisticated, multi-level plan for fighting organized homosexuality( see: http://www.twocare.org/transcript-the-gathering-1997-the-homosexual-agenda/). Oyets address was listed as a Post Office Box in Lilburn, GA where Revival Prayer Institute head Fred Hartley IIIs Lilburn Alliance church is located. 2013 2,410,707. When you become a sponsor, you are personally connected with a child who will know your 2011 48,750 Truro Anglican Church What number can I call if I need more information? 2007 2,171,275 Shutting down of Compassion International: What the controversy is all 2005 10,800 2009 106,000 2013 0, Christian Broadcasting Network (EIN 54-0678752), As exhaustively documented by Right Wing Watch (RWW), a project of People For the American Way, the Christian Broadcasting Network, founded by Pat Robertson, has been a major global vector for anti-LGBT propaganda and right-wing conspiracy theory (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/search/node/%22Christian%20Broadcasting%20Network%22), In 2013 on CBN, Robertson made the claim, as characterized by RWW, that gay people in San Francisco try to cut peoples fingers with special rings in order to infect them with AIDS (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/gay-aids-ring-video-pat-robertson-doesnt-want-you-see). 2002 1,000 Noebels most notable contribution, as expressed in his 1991 book Understanding the Times: The Religious Worldviews of our Day and the Search for Truth (1996, Harvest House, republished in 2006) may be his idea that secular humanism has replaced communism as the leading threat to America and Christianity. 2011 16,860 A February 20, 2014 op-ed run on the Alabama Policy Institute website states (see: http://www.frc.org/state-policy-organizations). He knew he had to do something. 2011 21,000 Other Pure Passion experts present same-sex attraction as resulting from brokenness or wounds sustained in childhood. Frontline Fellowship (also see entry on sister ministry In Touch Missions International) is a ministry of Peter Hammond, listed as a current Coalition on Revival Steering Committee member. 2013 0 ( 83,981 to John Hagee Ministries, EIN 74-1764843 ), The Liberty Counsel is a Southern Poverty Law Center-designated anti-gay hate group. All pupils and parents are required to sign the document. (source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/christian-school-in-kansas-threatens-to-expel-students-if-they-have-a-gay-family-member-a7040371.html ), 2003 75,000 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) 2010 1,414,525 2006 15,000 As a young man, Peter Cameron Scott joined the Christian Alliance Training Institute in New York, run by Albert Benjamin Simpson who was the founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination. As described in this encyclopedia, in the entries on the Revival Prayer Institute, the Lilburn Alliance Church, and the Christian and Missionary Alliance, CMA has emerged as a major force in the war on LGBT rights in sub-Saharan Africa. More recently, the Ethics and Public policy Center has been a partner with and financial sponsor of the World Congress of Families which, since the late 1990s, has rallied pro-family (and anti-LGBT rights) social conservatives on a global scale. Nearly 200,000 children and youth like Kennedy are waiting for a sponsor at Compassion. 2009 0 2002 7,500 Gender confusion, according to Eldredge, results when young boys are not allowed to fully express their innate aggressive, even violent, urges. Efforts to claim a genetic basis for homosexuality are rooted in the assumption that our genes tell us what Gods intention for us is Only the Word of God can tell us what Gods intention is. I want you to know that I am forever grateful to you for releasing me from poverty in Jesus' name. Leading those drives towards schism have been the so-called Renewal groups within the Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and other traditionally centrist or liberal Protestant denominations. First time logging in? The attraction to centrally controlled economics and coercive solutions despite the 2007 15,000 education, more likely to have salaried Staff members have appeared throughout local and national media on such programs as The 700 Club, The Oprah Winfrey Show, ABCs World News Tonight, Good Morning America, MTV, The Sally Show, Geraldo, TBN, local and national radio programs. (see: https://www.portlandfellowship.com/history.php), 2007 37,500 How do I contact Compassion International? 2010 8,800 poor. 2004 293,700 The project is headed by Campus Crusade For Christs Warren Willis, who first brought anti-LGBT rights agitator Scott Lively to Uganda, in March 2002. When working to advance the human rights of LGBTQI+ people, USAID abides by two foundational principles: do no harm and do nothing about them without them. Do no harm means that we take measures to ensure that our efforts do not put LGBTQI+ individuals or groups at increased risk of harm or raise their public profile in a way that could lead to backlash. 2010 5,750 Your donation to the Where Most Needed Fund will help support the mission of releasing children from poverty in Jesus name. The Lord knows that sexually twisted people will rape the animals. 2007 209,350 The ultimate goal of their agenda is to use the force of law to silence sincerely held religious beliefs in opposition to same-sex marriage. I know its at least over 80 percent, I believe its 80-85 percent success rate. Longtime head of The Family Douglas Coe is one of the three agents of The International Foundation listed on its 2012 990 tax form as having received financial compensation from the nonprofit. 2009 1,318,726 2012 3,381,000 (The Christian Union) 2005 1,000 2003 0 2011 5,000 One of those, What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality: Answering Revisionist Gay Theology, showcases, in a section titled The Holiness Code, Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (see: https://focusonthefamily.webconnex.com/co-tvsexuality?refcd=209501). 2007 54,600 Hobby Lobby is a co-plaintiff in a case now before the U.S. Supreme Court (http://www.npr.org/2014/03/25/293956170/hobby-lobby-contraceptive-case-goes-before-supreme-court) which challenges provisions of the Affordable Care Act which require for-profit corporations to provide contraceptive services in employee health plans. His Servants What countries does Compassion work in? Up to 1995 Ahmanson gave Chalcedon over $750,000 and sat on the Chalcedon Institutes board. My life is true confirmation that God has a plan for each one of us and has to orphans living on the streets of South Korea during the Korean War, Compassion has He is friends with people in high places and the members of parliament came to the College of Prayer and enjoyed the time so much they invited me to speak at their parliamentary prayer breakfast this year. By contrast, too often Christans broadcast all they do There are times we need to keep quiet. Kansas House Bill 2453 would have given private citizens, religious entities, and even government employees the legal right to discriminate against same-sex couples. Eldridge outlined an agenda for the religious right to follow in its assault on gay rights. 2004 68,140 This project, launched in 1999, has born dramatic fruit. You served in the military and loved God. It was founded and is still chaired by Mathew (Mat) Staver, who also serves as director of the Liberty Center for Law and Policy at Liberty University, and provides legal assistance with regard to religious liberty, abortion and the family.. 2008 20,000 Daystar Church Declared Advocates Guyana, While we defend the human rights of every individual, including homosexuals, we condemn the practice of homosexuality and its promotion through legislative amendments (see: http://www.guyanajesuits.org/cms-assets/documents/88691-264411.201238october-5catholic-standard.pdf). One of the most flamboyantly anti-gay groups on the Christian Right, AFTAH is classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT hate group. In 1985 Howard Ahmanson told the Orange County Register that My purpose is total integration of biblical law into our lives. Do nothing about them without them means that we thoughtfully consult with LGBTQI+ individuals and groups before and throughout any engagement designed to support them and their priorities. We want children to have the opportunity to see living faith in action, hear the gospel and be discipled in the ways of Christ. International House of Prayer On the international front, Focus on The Familys more recent active participation in the World Congress of Families which has included the participation of top Focus on the Family leaders in WCF planning sessions further underlines the fact that the softening of FoFs anti-LGBT rhetoric has been mainly a public relations ploy. An entire literature, from Miller and other evangelical aid and development theorists, now spells out exactly how the Villars Statement vision is to be, in quite practical terms, applied in the field; and, major evangelical aid and relief organizations are now integrating this approach into their international programs. American Values 2008 493,765 A Project of Compassion International. In Touch Mission International Many critics doubted journalist Sharlets dark depictions of The Family a subject especially hard to research given that it functions through informal relational networks and because, following publication of Sharlets first book on The Family, the Billy Graham center restricted access to its extensive archive of Family-related documents that had formed the research backbone of Sharlets book. (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/truth-in-action-homosexuality-slavery-threat-freedom and http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/truth-in-action-moral-chaos-liberalism-gay-rights). 2010 50,000 2009 250 2004 97,624 As described by CBN itself, CBN proclaims the Gospel in 65 languages to 147 countries and territories through evangelistic TV programs, video evangelism, online ministry, and prayer centers. If only you knew that one day I'd become a soldier. 20:13, Rom. can only be dealt with adequately insofar as the spiritual dimension is taken into Fosters ministry has produced lines of his ex-gay speaker videos that have been over-dubbed for speakers of Russian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Farsi, Spanish, French, and German. King was their man and nothing was allowed to get in their way.. In 2006, Ssempa received an honorary degree from PBU in 2006 for his ministry of compassion to HIV/AIDS victims in his native land. 2011 909,480 Founded in 1953 by Fred C. Schwarz, the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade became, following Schwarz death, a project of Summit Ministries (also funded by NCF) led by Dr. David A. Noebel (see: https://www.schwarzreport.org/about ) who in 1977 published his book The Homosexual Revolution, dedicated to anti-LGBT rights crusader Anita Bryant. 2009 12,750 family, and work, but equally in the shaping of the culture and social life. In his capacity as a leader at Focus on the Family (from 1988 to 2000) Eldredge helped shape the Christian rights strategy on combating LGBT rights. Theres no female dog that mates with a female dog, theres no male dog that lusts after a male dog. 2010 31,250 2007 15,000 2005 0 2006 281,500 As Hammonds minsitry website explains (see: http://www.frontlinefellowship.net/inc/sdetail/119/341), The Pink Agenda exposes the truth about homosexual behavior and its links to crime, violence, suicide, substance abuse, paedophilia and disease. 2012 31,400 2007 58,800 The ceremony was presided over by Ugandan First Lady Janet Museveni. 2012 17,050, Great Commission Foundation EIN 35-1057090 Frontline Fellowship 2006 35,000 He told listeners in the sermon that homosexuality is sin in the eyes of God, and it is sin in the word of God and also issued a call to lovingly but firmly respond to the aggressive agenda of homosexual activists., The op-ed quotes the late D. James Kennedy, When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, proudly, violated all of the commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: tolerance for their immorality. (see: http://evangelismexplosion.org/tolerance-police-arrest-louie-giglio/), 2001 37,000 Christian Union events and magazine coverage have showcased numerous leaders who have been featured speakers at The Gathering including Eric Metaxas, the late Charles Colson, and Marvin Olasky. 2013 1,000. Described the church website (see: http://truroanglican.com/events/sozo-prayer-seminar/). Listed on 2023-03-02. Ahmanson also provided heavy funding for Californias 2000 election anti-same sex marriage Proposition 22 and also the 2008 election anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8. Global Mobilization Ministries The familial relationship has both helped to establish New Apostolic Reformation leader Silvoso as a superstar in the firmament of international right-wing evangelism, and also tapped Silvoso into the avante-gaurd of evolving missions strategy: Silvosos career began as a member of the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association ministry team. 2012 see CCCs Jesus Film Project (over $12 million in FYI 2012) Upon his return to the United States, Everett established a program that allowed caring people to provide food, shelter, education, medical care and Christian training for Korean orphans. I did not know love and Jesus. Another of Howard Ahmansons projects has been the funding of efforts to promote schisms within mainline Protestant denominations, over divisive wedge issues such as same sex marriage and the ordination of gay clergy. 2003 1,000 Hammond is an unabashed Christian Reconstructionist and co-author of the stridently anti-gay 2001 book The Pink Agenda Sexual Revolution in South Africa and the Ruin of the Family (see encyclopedia entries for Hammonds Frontline Fellowship and In Touch Mission International.). Up into 2014, the ADF offered a book as a complementary gift to ADF donors, that was co-authored by ADF founder and president Alan Sears and which claimed that [homosexual] activists have followed a strategy akin to what Hitler used back in the 1920s and 1930s to take over Germany. Nonetheless, major leaders associated with The Gathering such as the late Charles Colson led aggressive efforts to build co-belligerant working relationships between Protestant evangelical and Catholic groups. While Advocates International states that "The goal of AI is justice with compassion in Christ", it also promotes an anti-LGBT agenda and is developing a close working collaboration with related groups, such as the (NCF-funded) Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly Alliance Defense Fund) that are emerging in the forefront of the mounting 2002 988,954 2004 14,900 New Hope has acquired, as a co-leader, Anne Paulk who was a co-star in the 1998 Love Won Out campaign that showcased ex-gay couples in full-page ads which ran in leading print media venues such as the New York Times. 2008 432,000 2012 8,950 2011 1,274,773 The ADF in turn works with state-level family policy organizations created under the aegis of (NCF-funded) Focus on The Family and which interface closely with the (NCF-funded) Family Research Council. As explained during a 2006 3 and 1/2 special briefing to The Gathering (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LYLMYvUhoQ ), The ADF was created expressly to aid existing legal organizations, and local attorneys, in their culture war legal battles; it does not compete with existing Christian right legal organizations, nor does it take over local Christian right legal fights. 2003 0 2013 1,500, Mastering Life Ministries (EIN 62-1542382). It mattered, and it was enough. 2007 10,000 2006 0 2009 82,600 2007 2,500 In 2009, during his visit to Uganda for an anti-homosexuality conference, Scott Lively gave a special presentation at the Watoto Church. Christian Anti-Communism Crusade 2012 94,340 2008 5,200 Gothard insisted that divorce be prohibited under any and all circumstances so, the deal, potentially very lucrative for both parties, fell apart. 2008 150,680 This is where the Church of Satan was founded; where witches and warlocks have legal status; where homosexuals and lesbians heavily influence government; where selfisness rules. 2006 1,346,868 2008 69,640 2007 315,000 Massachusetts Family Institute fundraising banquet in October 2014. 2011 0 Voice of the Martyrs 2009 194,750 In that case, CLS and ADF argued that an officially recognized student CLS chapter at a public university could bar LGBT students and non-Christians from leadership positions. 2003 1,600 2009 306,780 Bethel Redding is one of the strongholds of the fast-growing New Apostolic Reformation movement and promotes the doctrine that believers can wield all of the miraculous powers described in the New Testament book of Acts as having been demonstrated by Jesus apostles following his death. 2005 0, [Campus Crusade For Christ sub-ministries funding by NCF], Athletes in Action EIN 95-6006173 (plus other EIN number CCC AIC entities), 2001 6,345 In 2013, American Vision head Gary DeMar stated, Im sure that people who have jumped ship to embrace pro-homosexual marriage have not thought through the consequences of their decisions, especially young people who are almost always in an affirming mood. 2008 4,248 2011 73,800 As chronicled by GLAAD (see: https://www.glaad.org/cap/indiana-curt-smith), President of the Indiana Family Institute Curt Smith, Youthbuilders, Advocates International bills itself as the worlds biggest faith-based legal association, with thousands of legal professionals around the globe. Even if it could be proven that the homosexual orientation is inborn (some people are still desperately trying to prove this), the choice of homosexual behavior is still just that a choice To have desire toward something does not mean one is helpless to control his behavior. 2006 6,400 2010 32,100 Following closely in his fathers footsteps Matthew Hagee, who has taken over as head pastor at John Hagees Cornerstone Church, claims AIDS is a choice (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyS5vFIhRpE) and fulminates, We are at a tipping point when the church can watch the homosexual agenda be advanced in public schools and we sit back and whine about it. Stephen Langa has been widely recognized as one of the leading Ugandan figures lobbying for passage of the Anti Homosexuality Bill. 2010 200,000 footnote: The AIC has played a substantial role in the recent political ecology of Kenya, and its promotion of Neo-Pentecostal doctrines has helped steer national discourse away from questions regarding political leadership and corruption and towards narratives concerning personal morality. 2012 15,800 suffering and injustice. The congregation vowed in song that they would fight until every nation is on its knees before Jesus Christ. 2006 742,245 2006 42,725 AIM has also been involved in developing and manag- ing institutions such as Rift Valley Academy and Kijabe Medical Center.. 2012 4,000 child sponsorship is THE most effective long-term development intervention for helping the 2002 200 Kicked off with the 1987 publication of the TURNING POINT Christian Worldview series book Turning Point: A Christian Worldview Declaration (1987, Crossway Books) by Herbert Schlossberg and Marvin Olasky, the series was designed to advance lines of argument that would appeal both to conservative Protestant and Catholic intellectuals alike and featured such little-known but deeply influential (within certain religious right circles) books as E. Calvin Beisners Prospects For Growth: A Biblical View of Population, Resources, and the Future (1990, Crossway Books.). 2003 99,901 2010 0 2005 0 11. Citizens For Community Values was a top financial sponsor of the wave of 2004 state ballot amendments banning same-sex marriage. 2007 56,717 2003 3,500 2004 $25,000 Two weeks after Bahati tabled the Anti Homosexuality Bill (activated it within the legislative process of Ugandas parliament), from October 31 to November 1, 2009 College of Prayer International President Fred Hartley III led the first COP teaching module in Uganda, for COP Ugandan Parliament members including David Bahati and Nsaba Buturo, Ugandas head of the Office Of Ethics and Integrity. 2006 504,500 2006 520,080 If only you knew how much all you did impacted me, you'd be so proud of who I have become. 2005 1,194,145 2009 32,000 In 2008, Mitala presented Ugandan Martin Ssempa with an award for what the Ugandan government-controlled New Vision news service termed Ssempas anti-gay crusade (see: http://www.newvision.co.ug/D/8/13/649677). 2010 438,951 History of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Social Movements 2010 88,550 Our Where We Work section contains general information about each country we work in, along with more specific information about major regions of each country. 2009 18,000 Robertsons seemingly endless propagation of anti-gay tropes includes suggestions that homosexuality is caused by sexual molestation (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/robertson-ask-your-gay-son-if-his-coach-molested-him). 2013 184,000, Eternal Perspective Ministries (EIN 94-3125475), EPMs Randy Alcorn is one of the most prolific authors on the Christian Right (see: http://www.epm.org/books/). However, our primary focus is individual child developmentan inside-out, bottom-up approach that recognizes the God-given value and potential of each individual child. 2008 65,000 March 9, 2017. American Family Association But amidst the move of Exodus International away from its previous endorsement of reparative therapy, the Portland Fellowship was one of the ex-gay ministries which broke away from Exodus to form the hard-line Restored Hope Network of which Portland Fellowship head Jason Thompson was an original board member. An official website of the United States government. 2005 714,581 Compassion International Wields Data to Protect and Care for Children in Poverty Key Challenges To serve and protect nearly 2 million children around the world, Compassion International needed a way to ensure system uptime, secure financial data and screen sponsors faster and more effectively. However, once children graduate from the program and the sponsorship relationship comes to a close, the letters stop. The Family Foundation of Kentucky 2012 5,100 Treat any marriage, domestic partnership, civil union or similar arrangement as valid. (see: http://kslegislature.org/li/b2013_14/measures/documents/hb2453_00_0000.pdf). 2007 192,000 2011 564,750 According to Kennedy, Mathare is not a place people are proud to say they are from. 2006 1,436,033 2011 2,750 Leviticus 20:13 states: If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. 2009 7,500 As described in the World Evangelical Alliance book Doing Member Care Well: Perspectives and practices From Around the World (page 153, edited by Kelly ODonnell, 2002, World Evangelical Alliance Missions Commission), AIM has focused especially on building missions infrastructure, including a partnership with the Wycliffe Bible Translators/SIL (also heavily funded by the National Christian Foundation): Africa Inland Mission has historically had a vision to provide services for the broader missions community of like- minded mission agencies in East Africa. It is an abomination. I want to invite you to declare no to sodomy, every one of you. The proclamation of the gospel and the making of disciples, The fortune of the narrowly-targeted Alliance for Marriage has risen and fallen with the religious rights efforts to prevent the legalization of same-sex marriage. 2012 1,000 2004 13,000 2012 117,068. A video of the event is available for download from the AMA LGBT Advisory Committee. 2012 1,062,527 Over the subsequent decades, key evangelical aid and development theorists who attended Villars, such as Darrow L. Miller little known in secular culture but whose ideas have exerted vast influence within the myriad U.S.-based evangelical aid and relief groups that sprang up after World War Two (some of which have annual budgets of over a billion dollars) have extensively fleshed out the initial vision embodied in the Villars Statement. 2005 27,500 Leading the Cornwall Alliance is E. Calvin Beisner, a participant along with Michael Cromartie at the Villars Consultation. Proclaim Jesus Christ as the Ruler over the kings of the earth (Revelation 1:5) 2009 33,400 2002 1,647 2011 100 2008 50,000 2006 152,080 2001 14,000 2013 800, Widely known as the Latin Billy Graham, Louis Palau established his name and career through nation-hopping evangelistic crusades (though Palau now eschews the term crusade, as divisive.). Wives are to follow their husbands in the Lord. In 2009 Coe was featured (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYeGR7O1lKI) in an NBC segment that showcased a 1989 speech Coe gave at the Glenn Eyrie headquarters of the (NCF-funded) organization The Navigators, during which Coe claimed that young Chinese Red Guard who were willing to chop off the heads of their own parents to advance the interests of the state drew inspiration from the teachings of Jesus. 2011 118,280 2010 23,500 One of those groups is a chapter of the College of Prayer in Uganda, launched by American COP founder Fred Hartley Jr. III and led by Ugandan evangelist Julius Oyet. 2010 8,600 Institute in Basic Life Principles On page 172, Ware and Ham wonder how same-sex marriage will not lead to legalized bestiality: If homosexual relationships are legitimized based upon personal desires, where does society draw the line with other deviant and destructive behaviors that some find despicable? He has crusades with up to 50,000 people and Ive seen three thousand saved in one night. Promise Keepers founder Bill McCartney, who helped build the University of Colorado football team into a powerhouse on the college football circuit, has called homosexuality an abomination of Almighty God and called gay people curable. Along with Purpose Driven Life book author Rick Warren, Stafford was a featured speaker at The Gathering 2007. 2010 2,000 2010 164,630 The day will come when they will have children, and there wont be a thing they will be able to do to stop predators from taking advantage of their children because it will be against the law to discriminate. , 2001 5,000 2002 20,300 2012 20,000. What Current, Past, and 'Never' Child Sponsors Think - News & Reporting Adoption is a potent issue in. eternal salvation, but also for the transformation of culture and economic life. The answer was moral and spiritual uplift, through Jesus. As Christians, Compassion is called to be good stewards of the resources God has given us, and we are very passionate about ensuring we are. Compassion International began in the heart of one man moved by the plight of Korean War orphans The Rev. Up to 1995, Ahmanson was one of the top funders of the Chalcedon Institute, the leading think tank of the Christian Reconstructionism movement, whose leaders propose mandating the death penalty for a range of offenses including adultery, blasphemy, childhood rebelliousness, female unchastity (sex before marriage), homosexuality, and witchcraft.

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