Page last updated 30 Sep 2021. President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency, opened Conference by answering the question, "What does The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members give . President Oaks shared four suggestions for shouldering religious freedom: (1) recognize that all need each other and are subject to law, (2) urge religious tolerance, (3) let the world know the good that religion does and (4) unite and find common ground to defend and promote religious liberty. He practiced law and taught law in Chicago. . . April 1986, Sunday morning session. In the quiet heart is hidden The purpose of the gospel is to transform common creatures into celestial citizens, and that requires change. 220]. Library General Conference Speakers Dallin H. Oaks. Whats in the Relief Society General Board Minutes? Commandments mark the path and show us the way to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. How should we react toward and communicate with them? Our Savior applied this principle. He taught that each of us should follow Him by denying ourselves of selfish interests in order to serve others. This is a harder question for those who affirm the existence of God and absolute truth than for those who believe in moral relativism. The Temple Experience: Passage to Healing and Holiness . We should address prayers to our Heavenly Father in words which speakers of that language associate with love and respect and reverence and closeness. The philosophy of moral relativism, which holds that each person is free to choose for himself what is right and wrong, is becoming the unofficial creed for many in America and other Western nations. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Stephen L. Carter,The Culture of Disbelief: How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion(New York: BasicBooks, 1993), 225. As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I seek to help you make right choices in a world that is increasingly polarized between belief and disbelief, between good and evil. I testify of the power and blessings of the priesthood of God, available for His sons and daughters alike. BYU Studies sponsors as part of its mission to publish scholarship informed by the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Sign up to receive free emails each time we publish new content, like Russell M. Nelson quotes and links to Brad Wilcox talks. Its approach, as counseled by the Prophet Joseph Smith, is to teach correct principles and then leave its members to govern themselves by personal choices. As believers, we must always speak with love and show patience, understanding, and compassion toward our adversaries. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. You whom I address shun evil and seek truth. 11. So it was that, at the conclusion of His ministry, Jesus prayed to the Father, Not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil (John 17:15). Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Spirituality. [Mosiah 26:29, 32]. John Adams, from an address to officers of the militia of Massachusetts, 11 October 1798, inThe Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States,ed. There is a doctrine underlying the subject of gospel judging. . What Did the Founding Fathers Think about the Bible? President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency, speaks during the Saturday morning session of the 192nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Oct. 1, 2022. Subscribe for free and get daily or weekly updates straight to your inbox, The three things you need to know everyday, Highlights from the last week to keep you informed. For example, I know of an LDS family with an older teenage son who has become addicted to smoking. After the crowd who intended to stone her had departed, Jesus asked her about her accusers: Hath no man condemned thee? (John 8:10). Includes a page for each General Conference talk with reflection questions, a place for notes, and a learning style study idea (unique for each talk). The opposite of joy is misery. A recentEnsignarticle by an anonymous victim of childhood sexual abuse illustrates the contrast between judging situations and judging persons. Howeverand here I express asecond absolute truththis living with differences is what the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us we must do. : but judge righteous judgment (JST, Matthew 7:12; see also John 7:24, Alma 41:14). 7. What does it mean to always remember our Savior? Ideas to Teach "How Can the Savior Help Me Overcome My Fears?" (March The gospel is a gospel of hope, and none of us is authorized to deny the power of the Atonement to bring about a cleansing of individual sins, forgiveness, and a reformation of life on appropriate conditions. In the balance between truth and tolerance, tolerance can be dominant where the behavior does not involve us personally. You do your thing, and Ill do my thing is the popular description. Top 26 Quotes from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Top 41 Best Quotes from Daring Greatly by Bren Brown. Our Master, whom we seek to serve, is, as the scriptures say, a God of love (2 Corinthians 13:11). Finally, the spirit of our balance of truth and tolerance is applied in these words of President Gordon B. Hinckley: Let us reach out to those in our community who are not of our faith. By falling short of righteous standards, we place ourselves in jeopardy of being judged by incorrect or unrighteous standards ourselves. President Dallin H. Oaks: 'The Need for a Church' Another such circumstance was described in anEnsignarticle by BYU professor Arthur R. Bassett: I was troubled when one person whispered to another all through the opening prayer. Summary of President Oaks' talk. I will speak first of the final judgment. Through the prophet Moses the Lord commanded Israel, Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour (Leviticus 19:15). Thus, our Saviors teachings contain many commandments we cannot keep without making intermediate judgments of people: Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6); Beware of false prophets. When she answered no, Jesus declared, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more (v. 11). I no longer view myself as a victim. They should cultivate loving family relationships so that family members will want to ask them for blessings. May we grow in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom I testify, as our Redeemer, our Creator, and our Savior. . She died July 21, 1998. Conference on-the Go: Dallin H. Oaks, "Helping the Poor and Distressed" Elder Dallin H. Oaks Opposition in All Things. While we are powerless to alter the fact of the Second Coming and unable to know its exact time, we can accelerate our own preparation and try to influence the preparation of those around us. . kristen meredith mcmain oaks age - Martha received Jesus into her house and worked to provide for him while her sister Mary sat at Jesus feet and heard his word. But our obligation to truth has its own set of requirements and its own set of blessings. The question posed by the second commandment is What is our ultimate priority?. For most followers of Christ, our sacrifices involve what we can do on a day-to-day basis in our ordinary personal lives. The Church of Jesus Christ is committed to serving those in need, and it is also committed to cooperating with others in that effort. Consequently, we should be alert to honor the good we should see in all people and in many opinions and practices that differ from our own. Top credite nebancare. It requires an object and a response to qualify it as a virtue. Ensign, Nov. 1998, 70-72 Dallin H. Oaks, "Priesthood Authority in the Family and the Church," Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2005, 24-27 Richard G. Scott, "To Heal the Shattering Consequences of Abuse," Ensign or Liahona, May 2008, 40-43 LDS Family Services courses Strengthening Marriage and Strengthening the Family President Dallin H. Oaks was sustained and set apart as first counselor in the First Presidency and president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday, January 14, 2018. But I can change the future. What Have Scholars Learned about Joseph Smith? Because of a short-term memory loss, this elderly sister innocently answered no. Are we our brothers keepers? . In applying the sometimes competing demands of truth and tolerance in these three behaviors and many others, we should not be tolerant with ourselves. The woman taken in adultery was granted time to repent, time that would have been denied by those who wanted to stone her. In this sensitive matter we should first consider whether or the extent to which we should communicate to our associates what we know to be true about their behavior. . Our tolerance and respect for others and their beliefs does not cause us to abandon our commitment to the truths we understand and the covenants we have made. . If we apply unrighteous standards, our judgment will be unrighteous. . When we understand our relationship to God, we also understand our relationship to one another. Modern revelation teaches that some have the gift to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, . Another thoughtful LDS member wrote: In Mosiah 18:9 Alma tells us that when we are baptized we covenant to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in. . (Church Newsroom), New BYU opera professor performs as featured soloist for Tabernacle Choir, Orchestras summer concert, Video of the Day: West Virginia city adopts stray cat as mascot, Gov. 13. Oaks 'clarifies' LDS doctrine on LGBTQ-related issues One judges a painting by the full view of the whole canvas; separate isolated square inches of colour are meaningless. Later, in the sublime teachings the Savior gave his apostles on the eve of his suffering and the Atonement, he said: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. That is my Lord whose names you revile. (Improvement Era, May 1953, p. It is significant that when we partake of the sacrament we do not witness that we take upon us the name of Jesus Christ. President Dallin H. Oaks speaks at the 192nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on October 1-2, 2022.President . As the Apostle Paul taught, Christians should follow after the things which make for peace (Romans 14:19) and, as much as possible, live peaceably with all men (Romans 12:18). I believe this commandment was given because we presume to make final judgments whenever we proclaim that any particular person is going to hell (or to heaven) for a particular act or as of a particular time. In a BYU devotional address, Professor Catherine Corman Parry gave a memorable scriptural illustration of the consequences of judging by the wrong standards. That is why we make covenants. What Was Brigham Youngs Swift Pony Express? Dallin H. Oaks: Kindness Is Powerful. Also see, GamblingMorally Wrong and Politically Unwise (, Priesthood Authority in the Family and the Church, Loving Others and Living with Differences, Strengthened by the Atonement of Jesus Christ, Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution, Prophetic Announcements of Christs Birth, Stand Fast with Love in Proclaiming Truth, Going Forward with Religious Freedom and Nondiscrimination. that ye do not judge . October 1986, Saturday afternoon session. The Law of Timing (#19) The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Top 40 Quotes from The Coddling of the American Mind, Best 70 Quotes from Beyond Order by Jordan Peterson, The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek: Videos and 10 Great Quotes. . Then, even as the parents take protective measures pertaining to a regrettable situation, they need to maintain loving relations and encourage improved conduct by the precious person. . In honor of his 90th birthday, President Oaks shares 12 lessons learned through the decades, President Oaks calls on young adults to stand fast with love in proclaiming truth, Offering a historic address in Rome, Italy, President Oaks calls for a global effort to defend and advance religious freedom, Why does religious liberty matter? From all of this we see that final judgment is the Lords and that mortals must refrain from judging any human being in the final sense of concluding or proclaiming that they are irretrievably bound for hell or have lost all hope of exaltation. The most fundamental principle is contained in the Saviors commandment that we judge not unrighteously . crucified for the sins of the world, and that it is given to others to believe on their words (D&C 46:13, 14). Remember that God loves His children and will surely do what is best for each of us. Dallin H. Oaks opened the Sunday afternoon session of the April 3, 2022 general conference by giving a talk titled "Divine Love in the Father's Plan." This is the topic for the rest of the week. Here I remember a conversation with an LDS newspaperwoman who described what happened when she reported that the Prophet Joseph Smith received the golden plates in 1826a mistake of one year from the actual date of 1827. President [Spencer W.] Kimball taught that the moment we begin preaching to others, our testimony is ended. The talk was timely, according to political and legal sources, because while politicians, pundits and social media . This is not a call for doctrinal compromises, President Oaks said. The scripture is familiar. He simply told her that he did not condemn herthat is, he would not pass final judgment on her at that time. . He has given 87 general conference talksincluding 18 addresses as a member of the First Presidency. This interpretation is confirmed by what he then said to the Pharisees: Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man (John 8:15). . 10. October 2022 conference featured 35 messages over the five sessions. Holders of the priesthood should also keep the commandments so they will have the power of the priesthood to give blessings to their family members. . Truth and Tolerance - Dallin H. Oaks - BYU Speeches Required fields are marked *. You Are Needed | Spiritual Crusade As was wisely taught in a BYU devotional, The Lord does not grade on a curve. He will judge us in terms of qualities, not quotas (in Janet G. Lee, The Lord Doesnt Grade on a Curve,BYU 199495 Devotional and Fireside Speeches[Provo: Brigham Young University, 1995], pp. In all of this we should not presume to judge our neighbors or associates on the ultimate effect of their behaviors. I have been puzzled that some scriptures command us not to judge and others instruct us that we should judge and even tell us how to do it. Perfect love is charity. We all make judgments in choosing our friends, in choosing how we will spend our time and our money, and, of course, in choosing an eternal companion. And furthermore, what about the value of our work in the world? That is why we have commandments and ordinances. Thus, a thoughtful LDS woman wrote me about her concern that the worlds definition of tolerance seems to be increasingly used in relation to tolerating wicked lifestyles. She asked how the Lord would define tolerance.11, President Boyd K. Packer gave an inspired introduction to this subject. . In this circumstance, all of usand especially you of the rising generationhave a duty to stand up and speak up to affirm that God exists and that there are absolute truths His commandments establish. Did Herod the Great Claim to Be the Messiah? We may not live by bread alone, but Ive never known anyone to live without it. During class discussion a member asked, What if you see an unworthy person partaking of the sacrament? . From these we magnify a mood into a character and an episode into a life. . A Relief Society worker visiting a sister in her ward asked whether the womans married children ever visited her. Tolerance is often demanded but seldom returned. Provo, Utah 84602. Whether or how we might seek to obtain laws that would compel or influence behavior that we deem desirable because of our belief in God and His commandments is too large a subject for adequate treatment in the concluding few minutes of my talk. Consider where society would be if we did not have religious freedom, says President Oaks, President Oaks general conference addresses, Read more October 2022 general conference coverage, President Oaks was a law clerk to Chief Justice Earl Warren at the U.S. Supreme Court and served as a. You cannot possess or use the coin of tolerance without being conscious of both sides. leflore county warrant search; 2 3 of israel will be destroyed kjv; the cokeville miracle debunked A talk a day: How to prepare for April 2023 general conference Generally, they should refrain from seeking laws or administrative action to facilitate beliefs that are distinctive to believers, such as the enforcement of acts of worship, even by implication. do not doubt the overriding importance of listening to the Lord,[but]does the listening have to be done during dinner preparations? October 2022. Collected Talks of Dallin H. Oaks Ben Crowder The Holy Ghost will protect us against being deceived, but to realize that wonderful blessing we must always do the things necessary to retain that Spirit. (Photo courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the governing First Presidency, speaks at General Conference about the U.S . First,when believers in Jesus Christ take their views of truth into the public square, they must seek the inspiration of the Lord to be selective and wise in choosing which true principles they seek to promote by law or executive action. What does tolerance mean to us and to other believers, and what are our special challenges in applying it? Persuaded by this philosophy, many of the rising generationyouth and young adultsare caught up in self-serving pleasures, pagan painting and piercing of body parts, foul language, revealing attire, pornography, dishonesty, and degrading sexual indulgence. There are important restraints upon our intermediate judgments, but the presumption of innocence is not one of them. . We should limit our judgments to our own stewardships. October general conference 2022 talks - Deseret News - Deseret News March | 2023 | ANONYMOUS BISHOP The kingdom of God is like a leaven, Jesus taught (see Matthew 13:33). 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