We would like to take a moment to remember him as a great man, who made our show an institution. - Ray Combs about the Bullseye Round, "We'll get started right now, with the Bullseye round, and we'll put $15,000 in their banks. ", 20102011: ", Steve: "Welcome to Celebrity Family Feud! I had the best staff you've ever dreamed of. We sure will. - Steve Harvey (commemorating original Feud host Richard Dawsons death in 2012), "Hi, folks, we have a sad news to share with you. - said during Fast Money. Family Feud Online Game | Play Online for Free - Arkadium What are you trying to do?! ", you win the (game and the)car." Welcome Campbell family, welcome Del Campos. - Louie Anderson (said during the Triple Round, to a controlling/opposing family whose bank may or may not have enough points to win; early from 1999), "That answer has to be up there for you to stay alive/steal. I've had the most incredible luck in my career. Here we go with another Face-Off!" [BUZZ]. Family Feud is a mainstay in American (and international) television because people love the game. Audience: "Bad Haircut/Bald. Louie was a contestant on Celebrity Family Feud way back in 2017, of which he have inspiration for the Feud. Dawson: Name an occupation in which you disguise your appearance. The first family to reach 500 points takes home the Jackpot, plus a trip to the Family Circle Cup Tennis Tournament in Charleston, South Carolina this April." I'm gonna say a few words at the end. Points are tripled, but you only get one strike. If you live in or planning to visit Southern California,call this number." (applause) Thank you, please. Karn: Name a country other than the US that is admirable.Contestant's family:Africa or Europe. Male Contestant: DICK! O'Hurley: Name something people do to warm off on a cold day.Contestant: Have a glass of lemonade. How to Host Virtual Family Feud Team-Building | Confetti Let's see. As you can see, I got my feudin' clothes on today, complete with pocket square. O'Hurley: Name an actor fromBaywatchwho is still hot today.Contestant:Brad Pitt. You'll get the answer as we play Bullseye on the Family Feud Challenge!+ Introducing (our returning champions,)the (insert family #1), ready for action! - Richard Dawson/Ray Combs (said when a contestant checks the answers in Fast Money), "(insert name) is offstage where he/she can't see your answers. [While Contestant 2 is up, the show takes a five-minute delay due to Dawson's struggles to say the question due to his laughter over the "September" answer. - said coming out of the final commercial break since the show's incarnation in 1999 until 2010, "Your partner is off-stage with headphones on; he/shecannot see or hear your answers. - Ray Combs on the first episode of the CBS daytime version from 1988 [including a reference joke from The Price is Right], "Thank you. Dawson: Give me a slang name for policeman. - Ray Combs at the start of the Bullseye Round from 1992-1994, "Each member of each family is going to get a chance to play the Bullseye game, and each team will play the Bullseye round to determine how much money you could be playing for in Fast Money if you win the game. O'Hurley: Name a type of business that never seems to be open when you need it.Contestant: 7-11. O'Hurley: Name something you do to a fish.Contestant: Flush it down the toilet. The number 2 answer is Butter. 0. Dawson: Name a time that most people get up. For example, a host can ask your team to mention a famous person named Steve. For this crew thatdone every show we do here, the show has done other networks, they've been with us nine years, and the men and women that worked with ABCand do this show, I followed through hell and marvelous. Contestant: 401(k) jelly. Introducing the (insert family #1 (and their names)), ready for action! It still continues to this day bringing new fans for every season it's aired. (Upon a family with two strikes), (you clear the board,)your family wins the game. - Steves opening tagline,the speech in parenthesesis used since 2011, "Before we start, there's somebody/someone who wants to wish you luck (in this Comfort Inn Hotel Family Moment)." Who's gonna play? Dawson: A food associated with Christm- [chuckles] food associated with Christmas. (insert answer) was/is the Number One answer." Harvey: At what age does a person struggle to stay up til midnight on New Year's Eve. If we still have a show! Our thoughts and prayers go out of his family and friends. Harvey: Yeah, Don't say it. Steve: Welcome to Family Feud! Harvey: Name something Steve's wife doesn't want anyone else to do to his head. "Welcome to the newFamily Feud Challenge! - Richard Karn (said at the start of the Triple Round from 2002-2003), "But be careful, because in this round, you only get one strike. $10,000 in cash for the relatives!" And now, here's your host, JOHN O'HURLEY!!! Our returning champions, you might know them, are called the Kakadelas Family." (Upon the Champion's 5th and final game for the car), your family steals, your family wins the game/$XXX,XXX. Just get your ass (scores 3 points). Contestant: I'm a product development consultant,and Steve Harvey is touching me!Harvey:*jumps back, startled*Did that sound like a lawsuit to y'all? Playing against the (insert family #2 (and their names)), on your marks! Harvey: Name a city people win vacations to. But, if you or your partner can come up with 200 points or more, you'll win $5,000/$10,000/$20,000/(Bullseye/Bankroll amount)." Now, here's the star of our show, (insert funny nickname here), MR. RICHARD KARN!!! - Ray Combs (on a Face-Off during the Triple Round if time runs short) Sometimes, "quickly" is replaced with a synonym for that word such as "faster". There were people I know that got upset, that I kiss people; I kiss them for luck and love, that's all. Sure! Harvey: Name something that gets passed aroundContestant: A Joint. What's the top answer to this question: What's Found in nearly ever refrigerator? [ Joe walks up to the main podium, but Beldar walks in too far ] Okay, Doctor.. we're gonna need a little more room, big fella.. [ guides him to his side of the podium ] There you go, stand behind this line.. - Ray Combs. Family Feud has been a part of the American pop culture landscape for decades now. Harvey:[deadpan]They're black, okay. O'Hurley: Name the night of the week with the worst TV programs.Contestant:UPN. What is the number 1 Bullseye answer? I got a penis look in back, in where, and all of the girls in the doghouse. Harvey: Wehave a new device now called YouTube, you will be a amazing star. Mike:(buzzes in)Shit. Combs:[during Fast Money]A fruit you might buy only one of. Whichever leader gives the highest scoring (most popular) answer gets to decide if their team will play through the survey or pass it off to the other team. She said, "I never presumed to tell anyone who could make a rainbow what color to make children! ", you (champions) remain the champs, otherwise the new champs are called the (challengers)!". Woah, I am too boy there. Dawson: Besides a bird, something in a birdcage. You got to try to find the most popular answer to this question." Combs: Name a famous male country/western singer of all time. (Steve Harvey alongside Clay Family laughing). I'm (your man) Steve Harvey; wegot a(nother)good one for you today. Today, we're going to see two wonderful families battle it out for family honoron their way to $5,000, with a chance for $5,000. Family Feud I was the first one to buzz in, so I'll just take my time answering this. Come on, let's me and you stand here. What is the top answer to this (Family Feud) question: (insert question)? (ding) Clock will start/starts when I've finished reading the first question." It's the first thing that came to my head. "It's time for the Family Feud! No, just come on. ", Host Introduction #2: "And now, here's the star of the Family Feud, (MR.) RICHARD DAWSON!!!" Run. There were more bad answers, including Spain, Fiji, Armenia and Saudi Arabia. Harvey: We have 4 answers up there but we only have one strike. If you can't think of an answer, say "pass", then I'll get back to it if there's time. Combs: Name a liquid that people drink when they're sick. Contestant: Oh right, that was close in the area. And from "How I Met Dat Mama" Miss Alyson Hannagan! Slowly! You'll get the answer as we play The New Family Feud Challenge! Let's. I'm sorry. Now, here's the star of our show, RICHARD KARN!!! Dawson: Name one ofthe Three Bears. 2011present: What, what is "upine", this is the greatest answer ever heard, I steal you, I steal you, I think it is the #1. - Richard Dawson giving his opening speech on the 1985 ABC finale season. ", 19881994:Daytime 19881992/Syndicated 19881992; 19931994: "Let's meet/Introducing the (insert family #1 (and their names)), ready for action! "It's time for the Family Feud! - Richard Dawson from his emotionally-driven farewell speech from the 1985 series finale. [BUZZ]. Oh ho! Combs: We asked 100 women, name something women borrow from each other. If not, they get to play for $10,000/$20,000, because, mathematically, you don't have enough points." I got time, seems like. Right after the show, outside, Don and Woodstock are gonna be kicking each other's ass. Combs:[during Fast Money]A person's last request. Not that I wanted to hurt 'em, but I 'cause I love 'em. You fill it up. Family Feud (Tag) | FontStruct Fontstructions tagged with "Family Feud" Any Category Any Category Pixel Optimized Script Display Picture/Symbol Serif Blackletter Non-Latin Slab Serif Stencil Color Fonts Monospaced Any License Sort: Sharing Date Last Edit Comment Count Favorite Count Creation Date Character Count Alphabetically Show: All (20) (And from (insert city and state),)Theyreplaying against/It's the (insert family #2)!" Send a postcard to: Contestants, Family Feud, 6430 Sunset Blvd. (insert montage)(insert celebrity team #2)! Dawson: Name something a dieter can do to suppress the urge to munch. Harvey: You don't want nobody to sit on it. ", 2006 Gameshow Marathon episode: You got a pillow, a doll, mirror, using a hand, that stuff animal is waiting, you put all your damn thing. I haven't been this excited, since I got the oil drilling rights to Jack Lord's hair! Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. Harvey: If Captain Hook was moonlighting as a handyman, he might replace his hook with what tool? Dawson: Name something you buy in a delicatessen. Let's start the NEWFAMILY FEUD!!!! [contestant buzzes in, laughter and applause]I Know! - Richard Dawson (whenever an answer scored zero in Fast Money), "You passed. You thought I was a loser, until you walked up here. Dawson: Next question, what time do you get off from work? [buzzer] Oh, uh pass. - Richard Karn (going into a second commercial break from 2002-2003), "Remember, our goal is 300 points, so don't go away, we'll be right back." Our opening question was: (insert question)? [BUZZ]. (cue laughter, collective facepalms, and Harvey's WTF face) can I say that? ", you steal. I meant lawn your grass. Folks, we have some sad news to give to you. The Dubra family against the Spoerri family. - Richard Dawson on the first episode of the ABC daytime version in 1976, "Thank you, alright! Harvey: Name something in their homes that people always keep hitting. And he sawabsolutely nothingwrong! What is the top answer to this question: (insert question)? According to statistics, this game is the third most famous show in all-time excellent TV shows. - Ray Combs (going to a final commercial break before Fast Money is played; 1988-1994), "Who's gonna play Fast Money? < Family Feud Edit Contents 1 Opening Spiels 2 Quotes & Catchphrases 2.1 Fast Money 2.2 Final Episode 2.3 Steve Harvey Catchphrases 3 Contestant Plug 4 Ticket Plug 5 Funny Contestant Guesses 5.1 Richard Dawson 5.2 Ray Combs 5.3 Louie Anderson 5.4 Richard Karn 5.5 John O'Hurley 5.6 Steve Harvey 6 Commemorative Speeches 7 Taglines There's a lot of money at stake, so let's get started by playing our brand new Bullseye game." If I look happy tonight, I am. Contestant: Maybeher husband's home. - Richard Karn (2003-2004), "Come on back tomorrow, you don't want to miss it!" You're about to see these two families battle it out, for $20,000 in cash,cause it's time to play the FAMILY FEUD!!!! - Ray Combs on the first episode of the daily syndicated version from 1988, "Thank you. - John O'Hurley (whenever there's one answer left to be revealed on the Survey Board from 2008-2010), "We'll be back right after this." - Richard Dawson, Ray Combs, and John O'Hurley (when a strike has gotten), "That takes us to the end of this round. Karn: Name a famous Jamie.Contestant 1: Jamie Fonda.Contestant 2: Judge Jamie Brown.Contestant 3: Jamie Star. It's the (insert family #1), playing against, the (insert family #2)! (We'll)See ya/you (here)on the (Family) Feud. Combs: Wet [[laughter]] Shut up, or I'll kill you! Harvey: It explains, you know this explains, you have all the answers, but that we will be on the board. [buzzer] Dawson[to the other family]: Name something made of leather that a cowboy uses. Good night." The small animal will be on the bed. Contestant 3: Their boyfriend or their girlfriend. A purse? (thats in) Hollywood, Calif. (thats) 90028! Harvey: Two of these people are teachers in the family! - Richard Karn (2004-2006), "I'm John O'Hurley saying goodbye for now." It's time to playFamily Feud! - Family Feud Host (on the first Face-Off question; mostly said by Richard Karn), "100 people surveyed, top (insert number) answers are on the board. family feud script.docx - Sairon: It's time to play family (1975 Pilot, 1976-1982), A Mark Goodson Television Production." I've done lots and lots of jobs, and I've never, ever had a job like Family Feud. - Ray Combs (on an Opening Bullseye Question mentioned by Gene Wood at the Opening in 1992), "Welcome to The New Family Feud. ", 1992 Pilot (First Half): "Listen (very) carefully as we move (very) quickly." - Gene Wood and Richard Dawson (1978-1980) - Version B. Don't forget to bookmark this site! I am going to read the question once/one time. But, most of all, we love a challenge and the thrill of winning against all odds. It doesn't matter I'm a pastor's wife, a ticket to Hell is worth $20,000! - Ray Combs said after the first half of the Fast Money round, "(insert 1st name) got you (insert points gotten by 1st player). Call me! That. Dawson: Who is it that you don't want to see the results of your IQ test? Pow! It all starts now,with your host AL ROKER!!! (with hisAl salute) - Richard Karn (shown on one episode of the Karn era), "I'm Richard Karn. That said, the show *does* rerack questions. (insert winning family) are going for the money/(insert money amount) right after (we watch) this." ", "This is Joey Fatone from Universal Orlando Resort in sunny Florida! - Louie Anderson (going into a second commercial break from 1999-2002; although he makes funny jokes about the answers after the last round), "When we come back, we're gonna Triple the points and find out who's gonna play Fast Money and a chance for $20,000. Contestant: Uh,can I say nekkid? I said, "God.". We got (insert celebrity team #1) playing for (insert charity of choice), and (insert celebrity team #2) playing for (insert charity of choice). (And) (We'll) See you next time ((on Family Feud,) everybody/folks)." And we go to Sudden Death. O'Hurley: Name the one thing people know aboutRosie O'Donnell.Contestant: I'll say that she was the wife on the TV showRoseanne. Harvey: (starts laughing) What did he want do to you? From all of us here at the Feud, youll be missed, Mr. Goodson. Thank you so much. Contestant: One another's husbands. Let's start the (NEW) FAMILY FEUD!!!! Contestant: Santa Claus. So, write to us, won't ya? It's time to play Fast Money for WINNING TEAM: $10,000/$20,000!" Karn: Name a TV show set on an island.Contestant 1:Miami Vice.Contestant 2:General Hospital. Contestant: Wet! ", has a chance to win/force Sudden Death. I thought that was thestupidest answer Harvey: Name a kind of crack.Contestant: Crackhead.Harvey:(resignedly) This show is going to hell. Combs: Name something you put on before you go to bed. Over the summer, weve lost a beloved member of Family Feud, Richard Dawson, the original host of our show. - Ray Combs (going into a commercial from 1989-1994), "We'll meet the (family #2) when we come back." - Ray Combs (on occasion during the Triple Round if time runs short). [laughter erupts] Well, if it's still attached to the car, it would be dangerous. That's my favorite answer this year. I hope you dressed similarly at home, 'cause we've got a good one today." We surveyed 100 people; top (insert number) answers areon the board. - Richard Karn (usually said at the start of the Triple Round from 2002-2006), "Nobody (has)reached 300 points, so we're going to play Sudden Death." YOU SAID IT, YOU DIDN'T ASK ME IF YOU COULD SAY THAT! Harvey:(mocking her) "We're goin' for the money, so that makes it alright! We'll be back to play Fast Money right after this, don't go away." Every one of them is playing right now in that little TV that you can watch while you're pumping your gas.

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