Ranger's Focus applies Frost Shot. Why do our squads have such a high priority on Ashe Guide recently? Agony: Deal up to 12% bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health (maxed at 1250 bonus Health). At the beginning of a match start to skill the ability . With her people's belief that she is the mythological hero Avarosa reincarnated, Ashe hopes to unify the Freljord once more by retaking their ancient, tribal lands. Cost: 8 mana per attack Slow: 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ 35% Volley (Active): Ashe fires 7 arrows in a cone, dealing physical damage to each target hit. Range: 400. Iceborn warmother of the Avarosan tribe, Ashe commands the most populous horde in the north. Learn more on universe Hawkshot can show where the opposing team is on the map. Also applies Frost Shot. She also has one of the longest ranges in the game thanks to her second kill, Volley, and two global skills, Hawkshot and Enchanted Crystal Arrow ultimate. Hawkshot: Ashe passively gains stacks of Hawkshot, up to a total of 2. Frost Shots Innate: Ashe's basic attacks and abilities apply Frost to enemies damaged, slowing them for 2 seconds. Active: For 4 seconds, Ashe gains 20/25/30/35/40% Attack Speed, and her basic attacks fire a flurry of arrows dealing 105/110/115/120/125% Attack Damage physical damage. With this build, you won't need to dedicate gold, time, and an item slot to stack a tear. This slow, unique to Ashe, is called Frost. Cost: 50. As the match progresses, it is best to maximise . Now you have the ability … Ashe sends a hawk spirit at a target location, exposing the area traveled for 2 seconds and the radius of its detonation for 5 seconds. One point for her (Q) Ranger’s Focus at level 2 and maximize it after you’re done with (W). Attacks and damaging abilities slow targets hit by 15% for 2 seconds. Hawkshot reveals units in brush. Ashe store up to 2 charges of Hawkshot at a time (recharge time: 90 / 80 / 70 / 60 / 50 seconds). Recommended Wild Rift runes for support Ashe. Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects. Welcome to the METAsrc Ashe Support build guide. Lore Quote Investigator: The story of Abraham Lincoln’s humorous response to criticisms of General Ulysses S. Grant’s imbibing is famous. Abuse your range - As Ashe you mostly want to bully your lane. Bonus damage increases with her critical strike chance. Ashe's Hawkshot ability (E) could use a range of vision granted like this: [GIF] ... Years ago, a friend of mine was playing Ashe without reading her abilities or anything and kept casting E at the enemy bot lane throughout the laning phase, thinking it did a small amount of damage or cc'd or something. 5. Since Ashe slows down enemies on-attack, it makes it easier for the players to continue chasing them while attacking. Ashe - the Frost Archer. + Ability Order: Start with a point in Volley (W) and maximize it. Stoic, intelligent, and idealistic, yet uncomfortable with her role as leader, she taps into the ancestral magics of her lineage to wield a bow of True Ice. After … Toggle Navigation. Enchanted Crystal Arrow: Ultimate Ability. Opponent Tips. Ashe builds up Focus by attacking. R – Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Here is a post about Ashe champion from League of Legends. Manaflow band and Presence of Mind should be able to keep your mana afloat to lane. Cooldown: 5. 15. Ashe has very few defensive options, and she's a good target to gank. Cost: 50. – Her name references the ash tree, from Old English Æsc, from Proto-Germanic *askaz – As of December 9, 2017 Ashe has featured on the free champion rotation more than any other champion (76 times). Fires arrows in a cone, each dealing 20/35/50/65/80 (+100% of Attack Damage) physical damage. ACTIVE: Ashe sends a hawk spirit toward the target location, revealing the area along its path repeatedly for 0.5 seconds after every 100 units traveled and at its destination for 5 seconds Ashe’s passive, Frost Shot, grants her damaging abilities and attacks a level-based scaling slow. The duration is refreshed on structure attacks and stacks are lost by one every second. Iceborn warmother of the Avarosan tribe, Ashe commands the most populous horde in the north. Ashe build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. New Skin: Heartseeker Ashe Just in time for Valentine's Day, Heartseeker Ashe was included in this update but there have been some problems! Abilities. The duration is refreshed on structure attacks and stacks are lost by one every second. Hawkshot Ashe. Ashe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission to a target area in the map, revealing terrain as it travels in a straight line and granting vision of the target area for 5 seconds. The Hawk Spirit will reveal units in the brush but will not reveal stealthed units or objects. Ashe saw a steady rise in popularity throughout the LEC Summer Season 2020, and the Frost Archer is currently the highest contested marksman decide on at the World Championship 2021. Read our Ashe build and cheat sheet. Ashe is a Marksman class champion in Wild Rift. Ashe cannot gain Focus while this ability is active. Abilities. E – Hawkshot. 5 seconds after every 100 units traveled 」 「 for effectively up-to 1. If this arrow collides with an enemy champion, they will be stunned and take damage. Frost Shot (Toggle): While active, each of Ashe's autoattacks will slow her target for 2 seconds. Active: Ashe gains bonus Attack Speed for 4 seconds and causes her auto-attacks to fire a flurry of five arrows. Senna W – Volley – Ashe’s Volley is pretty impressive as it fires nine arrows in a cone and applies Frost Shot. As a result, the Chapter was unable to receive war materiál in a timely matter, which resulted in the Silverbacks's armoury being severely depleted as a result. Passive: Ashe periodically stocks a Hawkshot charge, up to a maximum of 2. This is also the ability you would want to max out last. At 4 stacks, she may activate this ability.Active: Ashe gains 20/25/30/35/40% Attack Speed and her Attacks deal damage instead for 4 seconds. And finally, Ashe’s ultimate, Enchanted Crystal Arrow is a long range controllable skill shot which stuns the first champion hit and damages them along with everyone near them. Critical Strike damage deals no bonus damage but applies an empowered slow to the target. Ashe’s abilities include Ranger’s Focus (Q) which requires players to build up Focus by attacking enemy minions or champions and at maximum Focus Ashe can consumer the stacks to increase her Attack Speed and alter her basic attack into a flurry attack. Instead, they increase Frost Shot’s slow to 30%, decaying over time. Ashe Abilities. W – Volley – Ashe’s Volley is pretty impressive as it fires nine arrows in a cone and applies Frost Shot. Attacks and damaging abilities slow target hit by 15% for 2 seconds. What Lane Is Ashe? During this time, she does not stack Focus. Ashe is a long-ranged marksman who specializes in heavy hitting critical strikes and kiting enemies with ice-enchanted arrows. Use Hawkshot by aiming toward grass, river, or mid lane to reveal whether you are getting ganked or not. At maximum Focus, Ashe can cast Ranger’s Focus to consume all stacks of Focus, temporarily increasing her Attack Speed and transforming her basic attack into a powerful flurry attack for the duration. Ashe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission to a target area in the map, revealing terrain as it travels in a straight line and granting vision of the target area for 5 seconds. Ashe slows whoever she damages with her basic attacks and abilities. Hackshorn: Dealing physical damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds. The hawk will reveal units in the brushes, but will not reveal stealthed units or objects. HAWKSHOT (E) “Ashe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission anywhere on the map.” Another fantastic tool in her repertoire is the ability to check anywhere on the map for any possible threats. Ability Power. – Ashe is the first (and so far the only) champion to possess two global-ranged abilities: Hawkshot and Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Passive: Ashe's Attacks grant a stack for 4 seconds. Additionally, Ashe’s auto attacks against Frosted targets deal a % more damage. Since Ashe has a long-range attack distance, try to hit enemies using her Basic Attack between abilities. Ranger's Focus. Hawkshot is a remarkably strong tool for competitive play, and is one of the biggest causes of Ashe's prominence. E, Hawkshot is great for scouting brushes to protect your team against surprise attacks. Especially while laning phase! Ashe builds up Focus by attacking. Enemies can block multiple arrows, but only take damage from the first.Champion hits count as … E Hawkshot. Ashe Wild Rift Guide, Build and Strategy. Later in game, she reveals her true potential. Q-Ranger’s Focus: Ashe builds up to 4 stacks as the auto-attacks. 4. Since Ashe slows down enemies on-attack, it makes it easier for the players to continue chasing them while attacking. Be wary of moving around the map alone if Ashe has not recently cast her Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Hawkshot is Ashe’s “E” ability and allows for her to send out a scouting hawk anywhere on the map, revealing the path and the destination. While Ranger's Focus is inactive, Ashe is granted Focus, stacking up to 4 times. Frost Shot (Passive) ... Hawkshot. Ashe fires a volley of p arrows, each dealing physical damage. Enemies can be hit by multiple arrows, but only take damage from the first. Ashe sends forth a hawk to grant vision for 5 seconds anywhere on the map. It also reveals the area around it as it flies.This ability has 2 charges (n second recharge). What lane should Ashe play? Abilities Ashe’s passive, Frost Shot, allows the girl basic attacks to slow their target. Ashe is a long-ranged marksman who specializes in heavy hitting critical strikes and kiting enemies with ice-enchanted arrows. Score: 4.9/5 (23 votes) . Ashe fires a missile of ice in a straight line. Ashe is one of the best League of Legends AD Carry Champions.Ashe is a utility ADC. – Her name references the ash tree, from Old English Æsc, from Proto-Germanic *askaz – As of December 9, 2017 Ashe has featured on the free champion rotation more than any other champion (76 times). Ashe can use Volley (2nd Ability) to poke out the enemy bot lane and last hit some minions. This will help as the enemy bot lane won't push up too much to try and kill you. Active: Ashe gains bonus Attack Speed for 4 seconds and causes her auto-attacks to fire a flurry of five arrows. Passive: Ashe gains a stack of Focus for 4 seconds whenever she slows an enemy, stacking up to 5 times. Hawkshot. 15 Ability Haste. Hawkshot (E) is an important ability to have in ARAM, though due to its long cooldown, players will not always see use in it. Due to the lane phase of this pick, it is often played in the Bottom Lane position. Attacks against enemies slowed by Frost Shot deal 210% bonus damage (10% + 100%). Nocturne will shut down TF's vision. Ashe is a … Q: [NEW] Ranger’s Focus. Ashe can store up to 2 … Ashe has very few defensive options, and she's a good target to gank. In our League of Legends builds you will see the most popular and universal variation of any build. Ashe is one of the most popular bottom laners in League of Legends.Her simplistic kit allows her to provide plenty of vision, slow, and damage for her team. At maximum Focus, Ashe can cast Ranger's Focus to consume all stacks of Focus, temporarily increasing her Attack Speed and transforming her basic attack into a powerful flurry attack for the duration. 2. Active: Ashe consumes all Focus stacks to gain 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% bonus attack speed and increases Frost Shot's slow strength … Just don’t make the common mistake of using her E ability, Hawkshot, on the enemy champion because it doesn’t deal damage. Ashe Focus (Innate): While not autoattacking, Ashe's critical strike chance increases by 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18% every 3 seconds. Also applies Frost Shot. Passive – Frost Shot: Ashe’s Auto-Attacks and abilities will apply Frost to the enemies, slowing them by 20%-30% (depending on level) for 2 seconds. Best Ashe build guide for Season 2 Patch 2.3b In Wild Rift. Ashe sends forth a hawk to grant vision for 5 seconds anywhere on the map. It also reveals the area around it as it flies.This ability has 2 charges (n second recharge). Ashe launches a crystal arrow of ice that Stuns the first champion hit and deals magic damage. The Stun duration increases with distance travelled, up to n seconds. Ashe’s critical strikes do not deal extra damage. Her basic combo is (4) Enchanted Crystal Arrow -> Volley (2) -> Basic Attack -> Ranger's Focus (1). Active: Ashe gains bonus Attack Speed for 4 seconds and causes her auto-attacks to fire a flurry of five arrows. Volley. Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Hawkshot. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Bonus damage increases with her critical strike chance. Ashe’s basic attacks always deal bonus damage to slowed targets, replacing her ability to critically strike. Her name references the ash tree, from Old English Æsc, from Proto-Germanic *askaz. This graphic breaks down the different types of damages this champion generally deals. Hawkshot reveals a wide area for 5 seconds when it reaches its destination. Source: World Of Wildrift Use Hawkshot (3) to reveal the enemy Jungler, or to reveal the situation on objectives such as Dragon or Rift Herald. Ashe's basic attacks against frosted enemies always critically strike for modified critical damage, but Ashe otherwise cannot perform critical strikes. Ashe in order to build up a lead and dominate your opponents. Ashe fires arrows in a cone for increased damage. If a team fight is occuring in the jungle it can give you a significant advantage. With our Ashe guide you will learn which items to build, runes to select, skills order, and how to Use Ashe Abilities properly. Ashe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission to a target area in the map, revealing terrain as it travels in a straight line and granting vision of the target area for 5 seconds. Having knowledge of the place where the enemy group's jungler is on the map is very possibly the … Flurries trigger on-hit effects only once, and arrow deals modified physical damage that benefits from Frost Shots and life steal. Marksman Support. Hawkshot (E) RANGE: Global COOLDOWN: 5 RECHARGE: 90 / 80 / 70 / 60 / 50: PASSIVE: Ashe periodically stocks a Hawkshot charge, up to a maximum of 2. The Hawk Spirit will reveal units in the brush but will not reveal stealthed units or objects. One of Ashe's abilities is Frost Shot (Q), which can temporarily slow down an enemy.Another very useful ability is Volley (W) - it enables Ashe to attack several targets at once. For various reasons, their rate of attrition exceeded their ability to replenish their ranks and equipment. Hawkshot can reveal where the opposing group is on the map. ... Hawkshot now has a global range. Like most of our recent skins, we're putting her up … Volley on . She is a marksman who usually played in the dragon lane as an ADC (attack damage carry).Ashe mainly does physical damage (AD) and her passive causes basic attacks to slow enemies.She also has some crowd control abilities and is easy to play with. Ashe cannot gain Focus while this ability is active. Frost Shot Innate: Ashe's basic attacks and damaging abilities slow by 15% for 2 seconds. One point for her (E) Hawkshot at level 5 and maximize it lastly and always take priority for your (R) Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Launches a crystal arrow of ice that stuns the first champion hit and deals 200 magic damage ( 200 + 100% AP).The stun lasts between 1.5 to 3.5 seconds, increasing with the distance of the arrow's flight. Ashe went live on the Wild Rift servers as part of the original champion roster before Sept. 2020. Hawkshot is an incredibly strong tool for competitive play, and is among the biggest causes of Ashe's prominence. Also, her critical strikes will not deal critical damage but will instead double her slow. Timewinder and Chronobreak 's ranges can be global, albeit situationally. Having knowledge of where the enemy team's jungler is about the map is … This is a really good synergy, and works well to stop counter-jungling.. View full answer In respect to this, How do you counter Nocturne ULT? R Enchanted Crystal Arrow. league of legends wild rift tier list Published by on September 14, 2020 on September 14, 2020 E – Hawkshot – Another interesting ability Ashe has is Hawkshot, which sends a Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission throughout the map. Lore When using Ashe's Hawkshot is it important to note that you can reactivate the ability to show enemies in an area for a period of time. Flurries trigger on-hit effects only once, and arrow deals modified physical damage that benefits from Frost Shots and life steal. 2 minute Ashe Guide for Wild Rift - Items, Ability Order and Runes. Volley into . Passive: When this ability is inactive, Ashe's basic attacks on-attack against non-structures will grant Focus stacks for 4 seconds. With exceptional lane and crowd control, Ashe excels as a primary damage dealer while initiating fights or assisting allies from across the map. Periodically send out a hawkshot to track the enemy jungler, keep an eye on objectives, or check brushes. The Auto-Attacks against Frost afflicted enemies will deal additional damage. Use this ability to initiate fights or to finish off fleeing targets. Volley is a very strong ability of . After … Opponent Tips. By maining Ashe you automatically learn to master your movement and kiting potential as adc. VOLLEY. Ashe Build Guide for League of Legends. Patch 11.14 Here is a post about Ashe champion from League of Legends. Passive: Ashe\'s Attacks grant a stack for 4 seconds. Attacks against enemies slowed by Frost Shot deal 210% bonus damage (10% + 100% crit chance). 8 seconds at any location 」 and at its destination for 5 seconds. By pushing the 1st wave and geting Lv2 first you already enable the stomp. Ashe's critical strikes do not deal extra damage. Ashe fires 9 arrows in a cone for increased damage. A combination of CC, vision, and AoE spells make her a rarity in the bottom lane, and her ultimate is o ne of the most powerful stuns in the game. Ashe is a marksman who does physical damage and has a lot of crowd control. The earliest instance QI has found appeared in the New York Herald on September 18, 1863: 1. Be wary of moving around the map alone if Ashe has not recently cast her Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Ashe.Find the best Ashe build guides for S11 Patch 11.14. The best items to build on Ashe in Wild Rift are all attack damage and attack speed items. Ashe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission anywhere on the map. Ashe sends her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission anywhere on the map. It's a great spell that can give you vision everywhere on the map, although sometime's it can be problematic. Also applies Frost Shot. before working on final versions of other items that show up in the item builds. Ashe mirrors her ancestor's unparalleled mastery of the bow, earning her the title of The Frost Archer the way Avarosa did during her era. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal Support build for Ashe. If the target is below 50% Health, this effect is increased to 60% Grievous Wounds. Ashe’s fundamental attacks always critically strike, but only deal extra damage based on her critical strike chance, and also twice Frost Shot’s slow strength. – Ashe is the first (and so far the only) champion to possess two global-ranged abilities: Hawkshot and Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Active: Ashe sends a hawk spirit toward the target location, revealing the area along its path 「 repeatedly for 0. W. Ashe's Hawkshot improvement. Instead, they increase Frost Shot's slow to 30%, decaying over time. Hawkshot (3) Hawkshot is Ashe third ability (3): This skill provide vision instead of dealing damage, aim to the certain target that you want to reveal and the hawk will fly to that location. At 4 stacks, she may activate this ability. Ashe is the first (and so far the only) champion to possess two global-ranged abilities: Hawkshot and Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Passive: When this ability is inactive, Ashe's basic attacks on-attack against non-structures will grant Focus stacks for 4 seconds. Your first ability for level 1 should be W Volley, and then you should start maxing out W Volley. Ashe's critical strikes do not deal bonus damage, and instead increase Frost … This ability … You will find brief information with tips and tips on how to play Ashe on botlane. Ashe slows whoever she damages with her basic attacks and abilities. Passive: Ashe\'s Attacks grant a stack for 4 seconds. Ashe's basic attacks always deal bonus damage to slowed targets, replacing her ability to critically strike. The Hawk Spirit will reveal units in the brush but will not reveal stealthed units or objects. This is one of the reasons that Nocturne counters TF.Having TF and Nocturne on the same team, and having TF ult, grants Nocturne vision of every enemy on the map. Ashe Wild Rift Guide, Build and Strategy. Ranger's Focus and at last . Just don’t make the common mistake of using her E ability, Hawkshot, on the enemy champion because it doesn’t deal damage. Passive: When this ability is inactive, Ashe's basic attacks on-attack against non-structures will grant Focus stacks for 4 seconds. In our League of Legends builds you will see the most popular and universal variation of any build. Hawkshot. Ashe Abilities Ashe’s passive, Frost Shot, allows your ex basic attacks to slow their target. 0. Ashe serves as a long ranged ADC. Hawkshot reveals units in brush. The passive is called . Ashe fires 9 arrows in a cone for increased damage. If the arrow collides with an enemy Champion, it will deal 200 / 400 / 600 (+100% of ability power) magic damage, stun and add a slow to the champion hit. After that, you can start leveling up Q Ranger’s Focus followed by E Hawkshot. Hawkshot (E) allows Ashe players to reveal an area of the map for a short period of time. With exceptional lane and crowd control, Ashe excels as a primary damage dealer while initiating fights or assisting allies from across the map. You have to take into consideration that this doesn't strictly tells you that a champion is Turning Hawkshot into a global ability - and allowing her to store multiple charges - gives Ashe and her team an immediate and immense vision bump, particularly when the enemy team’s effectively killing your network of wards. Range: 400. While Ranger's Focus is inactive, Ashe is granted Focus, stacking up to 4 times.

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