The Department of Justice’s annual Tribal Consultation on Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women is held pursuant to Public Law 109-162, Title IX, Section 903 of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2005. • Procedures to improve existing tribal consultation protocols. An addendum to this plan, to be produced at a later date, will include specific tribal consultation activities during permitting and construction of the project. 6. AP offers cultural resources management services to help clients execute projects while meeting federal and state requirements. Every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of the names, numbers, and links provided within our directory and we apologize for any omissions or errors that may occur. In addition to the work of the consultant, JLARC staff conducted a fiscal review of the Port Angeles graving dock project. 30. , DAHP will have jurisdiction over non-forensic human remains. Recipients of state capital funds must consult with the Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) and any Federally recognized Indian tribes that may have cultural and/or historic interest or concerns in the project’s vicinity. DAHP will continue to ask federal agencies for copies of tribal correspondence. or EPA. However, staff may be available at different hours than DAHP regular business hours. Nothing in this part alters, amends, repeals, interprets or modifies tribal sovereignty, any treaty rights, or other rights of an Indian tribe, or preempts, modifies or limits the exercise of … Tribal Community, and Tulalip Tribes. This plan is designed to encourage early and continued feedback from, and involvement by, tribes Statewide Contact: Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation. J.L. Tribes included in this consultation are the Yakama Nation, Snoqualmie Tribe, • Both DAHP and the affected tribes must be consulted to determine effects. Washington State DAHP excavation permits; County permit requirements ; State and Tribal consultation assistance ; hazwoper Certification. Please see the Meet the Staff page for each staff member's hours. Consultation occurs from planning to the end of construction. Consultation DAHP Tribal. Consultation Is Required for Projects with State Funding Before providing state funding for a local government project, such as a Remedial Action Grant, Ecology is required to conduct a consultation with DAHP and tribes during the planning phase of the project. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has legally delegated their authority to you, and therefore, you must consult with DAHP. However, if DAHP elects not to become a participating agency, FTA and ... Cecile A Hansen, Tribal Chair Duwamish Tribe Transportation • Agencies that do not know how to consult with tribes should contact GOIA. Recipients of state capital funds must consult with the Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) and any Federally recognized Indian tribes that may have cultural and/or historic interest or concerns in the project’s vicinity. July 6 - 1 to 3 p.m. Official websites use .gov. • Reasonable steps to avoid, minimize, or mitigate effects. Part 4 Environmental Considerations - Continued If Yes, note exemption below. Following informal consultation, the project has received letters from NMFS and USFW S ... tribal communities. If you have any questions, please contact me. Agenda May 11 - 1 to 3:30 p.m. Tribal Consultation The Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs (IEA) serves as the focal point in the Office of the Secretary for the Department's consultation with Tribal governments on policy, regulatory and legislative issues that have a significant direct impact on Tribal governments and Tribal organizations. 401 . The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation strives to ensure federal agencies implement their work in harmony with the National Historic Preservation Act.Section 106 requires federal agencies to consider the effects of projects they carry out, approve, or … Consultation is an exchange of ideas. Other state agencies maintain their own policies, such as the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Tribal Consultation Best Practices Guide or the guidance on the Washington State Department of Archeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) Tribal Consultation Information screen. Fax: (360) 586-3067. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment. • A requirement for state agencies to document tribal consultation. Upcoming Tribal Activities Tribal Consultation on the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), Wednesday, April 21, 2021 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Consultations and Listening Sessions Schedule | Indian Affairs. Sections 5.0 and 6.0 provide information on the natural setting and cultural context of the study area, respectively. An official website of the United States government. Write press releases for public dissemination and various articles for the DAHP blogsite. Olympia, WA 98504-8343. This Notice provides detailed guidance on engaging with tribes in the identification and evaluation of historic properties, assessment of effects on those properties, and if there are potential adverse effects, discussion of avoidance, minimization and/or mitigation options. Tribal Historic Preservation. This checklist is used to determine if tribal consultation is warranted. This memorandum clarifies that in the Section 106 review of Part 50 projects that require tribal consultation, a HUD program official must initiate consultation with the tribe. Consultation is an exchange of ideas. The search shall include consultation with the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and tribal governments. (DAHP), the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (ORSHPO), interested and affected Indian tribes, and other interested parties pursuant to 36 CFR § 800.14, on behalf of FHWA and FTA; and WHEREAS, FHWA and FTA, in conjunction with WSDOT and ODOT, and in consultation with DAHP and ORSHPO and eleven consulting tribes, have defined the This project required consultation with multiple federal, state, local and tribal agency organizations. o If there are structures or cultural resources, located in, on, or adjacent to the project area, be specific as possible in describing them. Mitigation plans shall be prepared in consultation with persons who have concerns about or knowledge of the affected cultural resources, including Indian tribal governments, Native Americans, local governments whose jurisdiction encompasses the project area, and DAHP. Consultation with … The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation strives to ensure federal agencies implement their work in harmony with the National Historic Preservation Act.Section 106 requires federal agencies to consider the effects of projects they carry out, approve, or … Washington State Department of Transportation Fulfill their responsibilities under the Washington Centennial Accord and Millennium Agreement, WSDOT Executive Order 1025 on Tribal Consultation and Centennial Accord Plan, Section 106 programmatic Agreement between FHWA, WSDOT and DAHP. Right of action or right of review not conferred. 24 Hour … Execution of this Amendment 1 to the Memorandum of Agreement by the Corps, FHWA, DAHP, Agencies shall consult with DAHP and affected tribes on the potential effects of projects on cultural resources proposed in state-funded construction or acquisition projects that will not undergo Section 106 review under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Section 106), including grant or pass-through funding that culminates in construction or land acquisitions, to determine potential effects to cultural … Consultation USACE in consultation with DAHP and affected tribes • Required prior to issuance of Department of the Army Permit • Potential adverse effects to historic properties within and adjacent to the Project Area, tribal resources, and tribal treaty rights This list was compiled by the federal government's Interagency Working Group on Indian Affairs (IWGIA) as an aid to federal agency consultation with federally recognized Indian tribes. The annual consultation session with tribes about to the HHS budget has been conducted over the last 10 years and gives Indian tribes and tribal organizations the opportunity to present their health and human services budget priorities and recommendations to HHS. Per 36 CFR 800.4 and 36 CFR 800.5, the lead federal agency must consult with the Washington State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) for each step of the Section 106 process. Information about the affected Limitations on the Delegation of Authority by Federal Agencies to Initiate Tribal Consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act delegation memo final 7-1-11 A federal agency is allowed, in some circumstances, to delegate to its applicants the responsibility to initiate consultation pursuant to the regulations that implement Section 106 of the National… 43.376.030. ... DAHP Case No. To qualify for an . Pictures of examples of archaeological materials Telephone (360) 586-3065. DAHP will make every effort to copy THPOS and/or affected Tribes when they respond to federal agency Section 106 consultation letters. ... communication is intended to inform the cultural resources assessment and does not constitute government-to- government consultation. Each Tribe is a sovereign nation and has its own definition of appropriate consultation. b. consultation that occurred between FTA, Sound Transit, interested Indian Tribes, and the Washington State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) at DAHP. 43.376.040. Copies of this correspondence and received responses will be included as an attachment in the cultural resources assessment. Consultation with Indian tribes should be conducted in a sensitive manner respectful of tribal sovereignty. o The Cultural Resources Lead is responsible for tracking consultation-related correspondence/emails and providing such correspondence to the tribes, responsible agency, and DAHP … 106 Consultation DAHP NHPA 106 Consultation DAHP Tribal or EPA 401 Certification District Office Issues Final Lease Agreement to Applicant District Forwards Draft Lease Agreement for DNR Management Approval to Offer Stewardship Office Site Assessment/ Biological Review - Develop Conservation Plan Ecology Review 401 Certification CZM Consistency LOV Tribal consultation began in 1998 at the beginning of the project prior to the initiation of scoping, with initial discussion of cultural resources under Section 106. Deer Harbor Bridge Replacement Project Cultural Resource Assessment, Deer Harbor, WA. and Historic Preservation (DAHP). Notice on Tribal Consultation. c. The recipient has included mitigation measures to address disproportionate environmental or ... d. Project required an MOA between State DAHP and relevant tribes to protect affected historic properties. Tribal members are professionals and expect to be treated with professional respect. Each section has an independent search feature that can help you quickly find the location or jurisdiction you need. (h) Indian tribes have been called "domestic dependent nations"--i.e., nations within a nation. • A requirement for state agencies to document tribal consultation. • Although much of our work is in Eastern Washington State, we utilize the DAHP archives in Olympia, and are comfortable with project research throughout the State. ensure Question 13 is answered correctly and tribal outreach occurs. Tribal Consultation Reporting. Each of these letters are also attached to this appendix. • Invitations to DAHP and Tribes to participate in project planning. State and tribal governments response to the consultation request shall be allowed for thirty days. •Agency decision and responsibility –All require IDP TRIBAL CONSULTATION IN WASHINGTON Consult as early as possible. As a part of the Section 106 consultation, Reclamation consulted with both the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and the Colville Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO), as the project had the potential to result in adverse effects in the jurisdictions of both agencies. DAHP Governor's Executive Order 05-05 Review. Tribal Consultation has been affirmed by Executive Order in 2000 and through Presidential Memoranda in 1994, 2004, and 2009. DAHP and Tribal consultation will be conducted under GEO-0505, DAHP WISAARD. Meaningful dialogue is expected. The office is open Monday through Friday - 8:00am to 5:00pm. The tables below show the current information Ecology has for lead agencies. This form may only initiate consultation. Learn More. The work of the 1999 Tribal and State Leaders' Summit will be the foundation upon which our children will build. 126 Sauk Suiattle Tribe: ... DAHP will then handle all consultation with the affected parties as to the future preservation, excavation, and disposition of the remains. On April 28, 2011, Sincerely, Russell Holter Project Compliance Reviewer (360) 586-3533 This Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Tribal Consultation Policy outlines the guiding principles under which DHS is to engage with governments of Indian Tribes. Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP); and • The interactions of interested parties, including review of the and federal agencies and tribal governments. Grantees are permitted to do the consultation; however, state agencies must retain copies of the consultation and submit a copy to the state Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) for … Coordinator for SHPO Annual Awards program. Covers prehistory, ethnography, historic context, and informal Tribal consultation Comments: 7 Results General Field methods match the described methods or indicate why the deviation Photographs of general vicinity and survey area Archaeology 31st Annual Centennial Accord DRAFT Agenda - Nov 19th - Revised on 11/18/2020. Headquarters. ATCRC provided cultural resource assessment services for Section 106 of the NHPA bridge replacement project. 401 Certification District Office. 11/17/2010 Letter from NTIA to SHPO/DAHP introducing Round II project . to-government tribal consultation from the period of scoping through NEPA determination. Consultation DAHP NHPA. • A requirement for state agencies to document tribal consultation. Washington State Tribal Directory. Issues Final Lease . Documentation of human skeletal remains and funerary objects will be agreed upon through the consultation process described in RCW 27.44.055, RCW 68.50, and RCW 68.60. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of Amendment 1 is a violation of Redmond's Permit. Contact the local jurisdiction, DAHP, KCHPP, use the TRAX system (regional Department of Natural Resources offices), or tribal sources for information. Meetings with statewide elected officials and tribal leaders — List of contact information. protected tribal resources, tribal rights, and Indian lands; and Working with other federal agencies, in consultation with tribes, to minimize duplicative requests (l) for information from tribes. Grantees are permitted to do the consultation; however, state agencies must retain copies of the consultation and submit a copy to the state Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) for … Overview. Janea Delk, Executive Director & Tribal Liaison VERSION 1.0 May 16, 2019 Community Economic Revitalization Board 2019-21 Program Policies Effective July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2019 As such, consultation … Tribal Offices 48 Consultation Considerations •30 day consultation period from the time the correct person RECEIVES request for consultation •Tribes and DAHP may enter into consultation at any time during the project (rare) •Must CONSIDER information received. Participants include the U.S. DOE Federal Preservation Office, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP), Tribal Nations, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, other Government agencies, and the public. • Christopher Landreau was a liaison assigned to the Mid-Columbia, Army Corps of Engineers, Cultural resources consultation group, throughout his tenure with the Yakima Nation. The panelists will share information and tips about the Tribal Trust relationship, Tribal Historic Preservation Offices/Officers (THPOs), review processes to identify projects that may have cultural resource concerns, and the interface with the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP). No comments were received during WSDOT’s tribal consultation and/or consulting parties’ coordination. The Office of Tribal Relations serves as the single point of contact for consultation with American Indian and Alaskan Native Governments and continues to refine the consultation process to ensure strong partnerships that will preserve Tribal sovereignty and result in high quality service for farmers, ranchers, consumers, and other constituents. As Principal Investigator and owner of ATCRC, Sarah J. Amell ( will serve as the primary point of contact for compliance projects. State Government Websites With Indian Tribe Information. address resource identification, interdepartmental and interagency coordination, consultation , with concerned parties, and treatment/preservation outcomes. Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) 2020 Centennial Accord Presentation. DAHP consultation complete, provide contract manager with copy of letter from DAHP. Though formal Government to Government consultation is the purview of the federal government, the state of Washington also affirms Tribal sovereignty and has a government to government relationship. Therefore, consultation and communication are key parts to the program. Here’s how you know. North Dakota Department of Human Services DHS Tribal Consultation Meetings 2021 Meetings. • … Participate periodically in tribal consultation. 43.376.050. Should Tribes copy DAHP on their letters to federal agencies, DAHP will make every effort to incorporate their concerns. Mailing Address PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 On September 23, 2015, Treasury issued a final Tribal Consultation Policy, released in the Federal Register, outlining the guiding principles for all Treasury bureaus and offices engaging with Tribal Governments on matters with tribal implications. HRA also recommends that after consultation with DAHP and the affected tribes, SDOT should develop a Memorandum of Agreement that addresses construction ... 2.1 Tribal Consultation . Dear Dr. Brooks: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA), in cooperation with Sound Transit, is initiating the ... (DAHP) does not have to accept this invitation. AP offers cultural resources management services to help clients execute projects while meeting federal and state requirements. Examples include consultation with tribes and the department of archeology and historic preservation, archaeological surveys, historic maps, GIS data, etc.
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