Definition of dehumanize in the dictionary. Dehumanized. Dodgeball is a tool of “oppression” used to “dehumanize” others, researchers argue “The message is that it’s OK to hurt or dehumanize the ‘other,'” Canadian professor says. 32 opposites of dehumanize- words and phrases with opposite meaning. 7. : It's a totalitarian regime that reduces and dehumanizes its population. Masks lower your immunity and do not protect you from viruses or disease. The Nazis dehumanize the Jews by robing them of their beloved possessions. transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, " Say something." This is where the dehumanization turns from a prejudicial issue to a precursor … As verbs the difference between dehumanise and dehumanize is that dehumanise is while dehumanize is to take away humanity, to remove or deny human qualities, characteristics, or attributes. Universal design is a core concept in the disability world. Quotes tagged as "dehumanize" Showing 1-6 of 6. Dehumanize Quotes. Masks lower your immunity and do not protect you from viruses or disease. : to treat (someone) as though he or she is not a human being Inspectors have observed terrible factory conditions that dehumanize workers. Learn more. The sinister mask-wearing agenda is indicative of the attempt to push humanity further along the path to transhumanism, merging man with machine. Find the answers with Practical English Usage … More example sentences. transitive verb. 19 Terms for Relationships that Dehumanize Women. Learner's definition of DEHUMANIZE. (US & UK) dehumanized. Technology has put us on track to make differences for better tomorrows. dehumanize. The latest crisis facing our prisons is … “Unless one lives and loves in the trenches, it is difficult to remember that the war against dehumanization is ceaseless.”. : It never objectifies the subject of the violence, nor does it dehumanize the perpetrators of violence. Defining a particular group as the enemy gives one permission to dehumanize that group. Definitions and Meaning of dehumanize in English dehumanize verb. I suppose one could try automate or roboticise, which are both reasonable synonyms. These 19 expressions say we don’t value women in relationships. Richard L. Rubenstein, in his book “After Auschwitz,” describes how German and Polish Jews were systematically stripped of their humanity by means of racial slurs and socially demeaning acts. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English dehumanize de‧hu‧man‧ize (also dehumanise British English) / ˌdiːˈhjuːmənaɪz / verb [transitive] BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONS to treat people so badly that they lose their good human qualities War dehumanizes people. Masks are deliberately dehumanizing. / ˌdiːˈhjuː.mə.naɪz / to remove from a person the special human qualities of independent thought, feeling for other people, etc. Other Moral Disengagement Strategies. Victim-blaming (“You made me do it!”) is a favorite strategy of many perpetrators. However, I defend the opposite: Technology dehumanizes us. 8. “These perceptions are extreme,” Kteily says. The sinister mask-wearing agenda is indicative of the attempt to push humanity further along the path to transhumanism, merging man with machine. v pres p. verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing ." This is essence of militarism. The government's propaganda is meant to dehumanize the enemy. The dehumanization that happens to Elie and the Jews starts in Sighet, a little town in Transylvania. the dehumanizing effects of poverty and squalor Questions about grammar and vocabulary? We see this throughout history. I am extremely concerned whether the increasing use of artificial intelligence in health care will dehumanize health care as a … February 25, 2018 by Hanan Parvez. Quotes tagged as "dehumanize" Showing 1-6 of 6. Verb. BINNALL 4/16/2009 4:21 PM 164 JOURNAL OF LAW AND POLICY I. CONCEPTUALIZING SELF-RESPECT Self-respect receives little attention in psychological literature.11 Instead, scholars in that field tend to focus their efforts on the idea of self-esteem.12 Yet, there is interplay between the two concepts in that ―in order to maintain self-esteem it is necessary to [with object] Deprive of positive human qualities. The latest crisis facing our prisons is … The views expressed by contributors are … The government's propaganda is meant to dehumanize the enemy. Why do Humans Dehumanize? To dehumanize someone is to make them either feel or appear somehow less than human. Dehumanization is a psychological process whereby opponents view each other as less than human and thus not deserving of moral consideration. Threats of violence. We dehumanize the universe, but we do not render it the less grand and mysterious. On the occasion of the European Week of robotics, BBC broadcast a discussion on the topic: 'Can people and robots ever coexist happily?'. What are synonyms for dehumanizes? (verb) Find out which words work together and produce more natural sounding English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. The results show that dehumanizing Muslims and Mexican immigrants in the first place may help to establish, and fuel, a vicious cycle of dehumanization, the researchers said. ‘He argues that we hear too much about statistics and nothing of the humans involved, thus dehumanizing the victims by depicting them as statistics.’. Hi there! When We Dehumanize Others, We Dehumanize Ourselves On coral, fractals and the monsters killing us all. Dehumanize definition, to deprive of human qualities or attributes; divest of individuality: Conformity dehumanized him. These 19 expressions say we don’t value women in relationships. As a neurosurgeon, trained in the BC era before computers and before Christ are one and the same. During the Holocaust, Nazis described Jews as Untermenschen —subhuman. To remove or deny human qualities, characteristics, or attributes. We dehumanise other people when we conceive of them as subhuman creatures. Synonyms for dehumanizes in Free Thesaurus. “Traumatic events destroy the sustaining bonds between individual and community. Dehumanizing always starts with language, often followed by images. [+ object] : to treat (someone) as though he or she is not a human being. Follow. Dictionary entry overview: What does dehumanize mean? Dehumanize definition: If you say that something dehumanizes people, you mean it takes away from them good human... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Country of origin: United States Location: Floral Park, New York Status: Split-up Formed in: 1995 Genre: Brutal Death Metal Lyrical themes: Death, Destruction, Horror Dehumanize definition: If you say that something dehumanizes people, you mean it takes away from them good human... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples “But they’re not limited to a fringe, with one or two people driving the effect. Words say a lot about how we think. What is another word for dehumanize? One such method of public manipulation is called dehumanization, which is the deliberate removal of sympathetic human traits when referring to members of an opposing ideology, race, political party or other source of conflict. Laboring under terrible conditions can dehumanize workers, making them feel more like robots than people. Song has been identified now :) I'll leave this video up to not break any links or something. dehumanise - deprive of human qualities; "Life in poverty has dehumanized them" dehumanize demean , disgrace , degrade , take down , put down - reduce in worth or character, usually verbally; "She tends to put down younger women colleagues"; "His critics took him down after the lecture" Dehumanise is an alternative form of dehumanize. ‘brutal management methods and fear can dehumanize people’. Americans must not dehumanize each other as we work for justice. dehumanize (v. [VERB noun] ...the brutal, dehumanising experience of slavery. The Good Men Project. To dehumanize someone is to make them either feel or appear somehow less than human. report a problem. There are 260 dehumanize-related words in total, with the top 5 most semantically related being demean, dehumanise, subjugate, mutilate and demoralize.You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. Dehumanized humans are viewed as less than human by the dehumanizers, no longer having the same worth and dignity that humans normally ascribe to each other. A recent analysis of discourse on Facebook highlights how social media and an individual's sense of identity can be used to dehumanize entire groups of people. Dodgeball is a tool of “oppression” used to “dehumanize” others, researchers argue “The message is that it’s OK to hurt or dehumanize the ‘other,'” Canadian professor says. (WIP) Dehumanization, the process of characterizing a group of people as inhuman, animalistic, or lacking positive sapient qualities, is a trend that unfortunately shows up all too often in the study of conquest and colonization. INSIDE LOOKING OUT. “He was so terrible that he was no longer terrible, only dehumanized.”. American prisons tend to dehumanize most prisoners. : One of the first aims of propaganda is to dehumanize the enemy in the public mind. a : to subject (someone, such as a prisoner) to inhuman or degrading conditions or treatment "… you treat people with respect, you get respect back. Definition of 'dehumanize'. Victim-blaming (“You made me do it!”) is a favorite strategy of many perpetrators. INSIDE LOOKING OUT. Elie and the Jews were forced to abandon all their valuables, Elie states “A Jew was henceforth forbidden to own gold, jewelry, or any valuables” (Wiesel 10-11). Still others believe that we dehumanise people by denying them subjectivity, individuality, agency or other quintessentially human characteristics.

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