The fact it hits your opponents only allows you to continue playing your cards while locking your opponents out for a turn. Morph (You may cast this card face down as a 2/2 creature for . 1 Vesuvan Shapeshifter 1 Faerie Artisans 1 Damia, Sage of Stone 1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury 1 Fauna Shaman 1 Dimir Doppelganger 1 Torrent Elemental 1 Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur 1 Consuming Aberration 1 Szadek, Lord of Secrets 1 Clever Impersonator 1 Triskelion 1 Altered Ego 1 Void Winnower 1 Rashmi, Eternities Crafter 1 Dragonlord Silumgar 1 Cryptbreaker Mischievous Quanar – A card that bumps up the morph count and provides some neat value. Ok, so it isn’t what you would call an “competitive” deck by any means. 6 Healers see … Then I drew Urza's factory for the win, backed up with some other beats from carddraw. Now it is not that strong, but still usable in EDH. Vesuvan Shapeshifter: If you’re interested in running the previously mentioned pickles/Brine Elemental lock, then you need to play Vesuvan. 1x Vesuvan Shapeshifter 1x Wanderwine Prophets: Instants (18) 1x Arcane Denial 1x Cackling Counterpart 1x Capsize 1x Counterspell 1x Cryptic Command 1x Desertion 1x Dissipate ... I’ll discuss the equipment half of the combo later in the article, but this card is part of an infinite turn combo with Mistform Ultimus. . Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals New Releases Books Electronics Customer Service Gift Ideas Home Computers Gift Cards Sell Hagra Diabolist + Rite of Replication also makes an opp lose 180 life. Vesuvan Shapeshifter. $17.00 (R) Modern: 764 Legacy: 163 Commander: 448 MTGO Cubes: VML Cube: 10043 @ 15.8% By Mark Mahler . The key is we morph Vesuvan Shapeshifter and then turn it face up to copy Brine Elemental. Rather, it is a blue-black control deck that counters some stuff then draws two extra cards a turn with Vesuvan Shapeshifter plus Fathom Seer (the defining combo of the deck now, perhaps), and fetching a Brine Elemental for the kill is a mere afterthought. It has a combo kill and other weirdness, and won both games by stabilizing behind about five to eight morphs. Combo Vesuvan Shapeshifter +Den Protector +Temporal Manipulation + Magic: the Gathering MTG. It’s rests on the border of combo and synergy because Pickles is a soft lock, not an instant game-ender. he killed teferi with it. Get it as soon as Tue, Mar 30. I finally got a teferi out, which was the only useably beater on the table next to a morph from him - which was vesuvan shapeshifter. Players wanted to know what strategies were good, so I made a Reddit post about it, and I think it’s worth having somewhere more permanent than Reddit. It has morph , and upon being unmorphed it clones any creatures on the battlefield except that during your upkeep you may turn it face down again, allowing you to again unmorph it to pick a new clone target. If you do, until Vesuvan Shapeshifter is turned face down, it becomes a copy of that creature (...) My understanding is that due to … While Vesuvan Shapeshifter doesn’t offer as much combo potential as Necrotic Ooze, it is above Vesuvan Doppelganger on that scale, which earns the Shapeshifter its spot here. Whitemane Lion for example is a repeatable ramp spell for 1W. I’m still not too happy about how this ended up, but maybe it’ll be more fun to play than it looks. Aggro-combo Aggro-Combo is a relatively rare archetype that usually stems from a typical Aggro deck that has a … In this issue of Ugin’s Insight, Netherknight will be introducing us to his Nicol Bolas Commander Deck. I have four mono-blue decks myself, but even I cast the stinkeye upon anyone who saunters up to a table and drops down ninety-nine cards with Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir at the helm. September 1, 2017. 4.6 out of 5 stars 81. This is a list of cards that produce (or simulate) "Blink" and "Flicker" effects.In other words, this is a list of all cards that exile and return your creatures to the battlefield, in order to benefit from ETB (Enter-the-Battlefield) triggers. Magic The Gathering, magic cards, singles, decks, card lists, deck ideas, wizard of the coast, all of the cards you need at great prices are available at Cardkingdom. Not there yet? If Vesuvan Shapeshifter somehow enters the battlefield at the same time as another creature, Vesuvan Shapeshifter can’t become a copy of that creature. Your Modern Combo Guide Alexander Shearer August, 2011 Instant Kills ... unmorph Vesuvan Shapeshifter to copy its effect. First, I have a vesuvan doppelganger, copying a death-mask duplicant. Shapeshifter is a creature type describing a loosely-defined group of beings capable of assuming other shape and forms, often imitating other beings. Ok, so it isn’t what you would call an “competitive” deck by any means. To assemble this combo, we just need Vesuvan Shapeshifter and Brine Elemental. ... Mage of Zhalfir 4 x Vesuvan Shapeshifter. By If you do, until Vesuvan Shapeshifter is turned face down, it becomes a copy of that creature and gains "At the beginning of your upkeep, you may turn this creature face down." You may only choose a creature that’s already on the battlefield. As Vesuvan Shapeshifter enters the battlefield or is turned face up, you may choose another creature on the battlefield. Shapeshifter can then be turned face down during each of your upkeeps and flipped back up to deny your opponent their following untap step. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, seven free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community. Super props to Brennan for winning in the Red Zone. Vesuvan Shapeshifter is a rather clever workaround of the fact that Vesuvan Doppelganger is on the Reserved List. Spell 40 Vesuvan Shapeshifter – What you do is you have a flipped Brine Elemental and a Vesuvan Shapeshifter, and keep on flipping him down and up again. When I block the Boom Tube, he unmorphs [card]Vesuvan Shapeshifter[/card] to copy the obvious. In this extensive and updated Commander primer Leonard unlocks his Pandora’s box of Jhoira secrets and insights — including a lengthy Deck … Latest Set: Theros. 1) Volrath drops -1/-1 counters that goes well with proliferate and various other Amonkhet/Lorwyn mechanics. 2-0 Round 2 - UG control (sandoiche) Game 1 He drew only lands and I nearly goldfished for an easy 1-0. But it's more than just a combo enabler. The most infamous of these is probably the Pickle Lock: [card]Brine Elemental[/card] and [card]Vesuvan Shapeshifter[/card]. The fact that a combo with Brine Elemental is referred to as the "Pickles Lock" is positively amazing. If one parent is a shapeshifter, the children will be shapeshifters. Speel vervolgens de … The reason for this is two-fold. With the brine Elemental face up, you can always copy it with the vesuvan, triggering the skip untap step ability every turn. First, because artifacts are colorless, if you get too comfortable with them, you’ll find the same artifacts taking up twenty slots in each of your decks. One the signatures of commander games, outside of some guy being “proactive” and combo killing the entire table, is that the boards tend to get gummed up with plenty of warm bodies. Mitamura took one game with the "Pickles" combo of Brine Elemental and Vesuvan Shapeshifter, but ultimately, Wafo-Tapa's choice to play cards with as much raw power as possible paid off. Oracle Text As Vesuvan Shapeshifter enters the battlefield or is turned face up, you may choose another creature on the battlefield. Weirdly there is a very powerful combo in here that was the base of a Standard deck way back in 2007. He replayed his Animar and used Fauna Shaman to chain Brawn into a Maelstrom Wanderer. Time Spiral Wizards that show up in the following combos include Lim-Dul the Necromancer; Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder; Mangara of Corondor; Magus of the Mirror; Magus of the Candelabra; and Magus of the Disk (which my Brazilian friends will recognize as the outstandingly named “Mago do Disco”). I have actually had more trouble with this deck than with Dralnu – … Cubelelo Qiyi Ivy Maple Leaf Cube Magic Cube Shapeshifter Puzzle Toy. Vesuvan Shapeshifter + Brine Elemental Dit is ook een oude combo die nu weer in Limited in elkaar gezet kan worden . ... various blue Signets, Mystical Teachings, and the Pickle twins, Vesuvan Shapeshifter and Brine Elemental. To form the combo, we need to play Brine Elemental first. I know, it’s a copy card, it would seem obvious to most people: Flip copying Brine Elemental, do your thing. By Nick Miller. Retribution of the Meek. The Deck List: Creatures (15): 3x Morphling 3x Torchling 3x Clone 3x Vesuvan Shapeshifter 2x Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind 1x Akroma, Angel of Fury Other Spells (21): 2x Sensei's Divining Top 3x Impulse 3x Ancestral Vision 3x Electrolyze 3x Swerve 3x Wild Ricochet 4x Quicksilver Dagger Lands (24): 4x Izzet Boilerworks 4x Shivan Reef 10x Island 6x Mountain OK, so that's the deck. When Vesuvan Shapeshifter copies turn face up replacement effects, why do they work? The deck initially had the pickles combo in it (Vesuvan Shapeshifter + Brine Elemental) but decided this was just opening myself up for someone else getting the advantage with the elemental if they had a way to Bribery it out or otherwise steal it. $ 0.06. Go Premium. Copy a creature with more or equal power than toughness, and you can kamikaze your shapeshifter on it. In Magic, until edition X it was the Teferi/Brine Elemental/Vesuvan Shapeshifter lockdown deck. Also, I'd never thought of using Vesuvan Shapeshifter to copy morph effects. I got to about 8 lands and played a Sages of the Anima. A Pickled Combo. When Vesuvan Shapeshifter is turned face down, its copy effect wears off. A turn for … As Vesuvan Shapeshifter comes into play or is turned face up, you may choose another creature in play. x. Penny Dreadful. Even without the other two in the game, it’s enough, since Brennan has nearly 40 cards in his own yard. Melira, Sylvok Outcast + Glen Elendra Archmage is a good way to keep out non creature cards (so essentially an infinite counter to counters). Horde of Notions 6 years ago. Flip copying Fathom Seer, draw more cards. The next turn, we just need to flip Shapeshifter face-down and repeat. It's only going to be more fun once counters and dice start really getting added. 6x6x5 = 180. They can be found in all colors of mana, but predominately in blue.The first creature to bear the type was Unstable Shapeshifter in Tempest. Then, I change my Doppelganger to become a Soul Foundry (upon which I had earlier cast animate artifact). Vesuvan Shapeshifter says: As Vesuvan Shapeshifter (...) is turned face up, you may choose another creature on the battlefield. While the card is face-down, it is a 2/2 creature with no name, color, creature type, abilities, mana cost, etc. There was no such thing as a Planeswalker card. Maindeck 96. Time Spiral is the first expansion to include a separate bonus subset of cards. vs. Burn/Skred - in: Aven Riftwatchers, Dismal Failure, Faerie Trickery. Moved Trail of Mystery to Ramp/Fixing added … I used a Vesuvan Shapeshifter to copy the Fauna Shaman and attacked fro a large amount (by the end of the game my Animar was up … As Vesuvan Shapeshifter enters the battlefield or is turned face up, you may choose another creature on the battlefield. Lyc-V is a very invasive virus. Learn more. There is also Brine Elemental + Vesuvan Shapeshifter to lock down the field. Don’t worry about morph it and then turn it face up or just cast it, we just need it on battlefield. . 4 Opt; 4 Counterspell; 4 Mana Leak; 3 Voidslime; 1 Repudiate // Replicate ; Lands 25. MTGGoldfish Premium takes your Magic experience to the next level. Morph is an ability that lets you pay 3 to cast the card face-down. $0.01 . 30-day money back guarantee. (Honorable Mention goes to Spell Snare.) Flipping Brine Elemental will prevent our opponents from untapping on their next turn, and we can then flip Vesuvan Shapeshifter face-up, copying the Brine Elemental, and getting its ability. It had some nice spot removal and some cute tricks, plus it ran the “Pickles Lock” (Brine Elemental + Vesuvan Shapeshifter) which had recently run around Standard.But it had no ramp, no real way to combo out, and one bad way to lock down the board. Copy a creature with less power than toughness, and you can stall it out. 5 tokens enter the battlefield, meaning 6 Hagra Diabolists see 5 triggers each of 6 Allies. His deck was extremely well-constructed, synergistic, and powerful without having to combo out. Magic: The Gathering Chronology Time Spiral is the fortieth Magic expansion and was released in October 2006 as the first set in the Time Spiral block. Format: Commander. ER. If you do, until Vesuvan Shapeshifter is turned face down, it becomes a copy of that creature and gains At the beginning of your upkeep, you may turn this creature face down. Vesuvan Shapeshifter is already in the deck which means this include gives the possibility of the pickles combo. The converted mana cost of a face-down creature is 0 since it has no mana cost. $ 0.12. Ah yes. Soft lock. I use its ability to imprint three creatures: a Grizzly Bears, a Hill Giant, and a Phantom Monster. Choose Printing (4 Total) Sign up to add this card to your Inventory, Wishlist or Tradelist, and to start creating decks with it. The ultra-budget, thousands-of-cards Magic Online brewer's paradise with powerful cards, seven free weekly tournaments, free 24/7 league, prizes, quarterly rotations, and a super friendly community. Pickles Lock = [ [Brine elemental]] + [ [Vesuvan Shapeshifter]] 17. level 2. So a little while back I joined a XMage cube draft group on Discord, and had a chance to draft my Archetype Cube. Discard - Deck has lots of card drawing. With Vesuvan Shapeshifter, however, you can lock your opponent out of the game (just keep copying Brine Elemental every turn). The key is we morph Vesuvan Shapeshifter and then turn it face up to copy Brine Elemental. A: Yep, those two, when combined, will prevent your opponents from untapping during their untap step. We also have an excellent trading opportunities finder tool that gets you trading in seconds! Artifacts are a kind of card that I frequently try to avoid when I’m building Commander decks. If you do, until Vesuvan Shapeshifter is turned face down, it becomes a copy of that creature, except it has “At the beginning of your upkeep, you may turn this creature face down.”. If you do, until Vesuvan Shapeshifter is turned face down, it becomes a copy of that creature and gains “At the beginning of your upkeep, you may turn this creature face down.” Je kunt hem gewoon casten, unmorphen, Zombifyen, maakt niet uit. I got to about 8 lands and played a Sages of the Anima. $6 per month. I’ve been thinking a lot about combos with [card]Dubious Challenge[/card]. Vesuvan Shapeshifter. As Vesuvan Shapeshifter enters the battlefield or is turned face up, you may choose another creature on the battlefield. The people who run this lock inevitably wait until that one point in the game when most of the people at the table are completely tapped out, and then proceed to make sure nobody else gets an untap step. The Brine Elementalis the key. combo. Rather, it is a blue-black control deck that counters some stuff then draws two extra cards a turn with Vesuvan Shapeshifter plus Fathom Seer (the defining combo of the deck now, perhaps), and fetching a Brine Elemental for the kill is a mere afterthought. Well, that’s a… pile of cards… I think I’ll throw this together with the cards I have, add some more draw and removal, and call it a deck.
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