SINCE the 3rd house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the lord of houses 5th & 10th to Cancer, the Cancer ascendant borns will, excel in writing articles about politics, sports, arts & culture, romance, religion and wisdom. Be the happiest persons and will have joyful company of friends, elder brothers, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law. So the Cancer ascendant borns may invent micro instruments through secret lesearch, log secret notes and accounts, involve in adulterations, enter into secret agreements and possess secret photographs and documents. This house is ruled by Mercury, the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Cancer. HIs is social and easy to make friends. Instead of literally interpreting the term, we take a broad meaning that the person will be involved with one from the field of music, Songs etc. They may plan for secret love affairs, will be disappointed in love affairs, lack sense in love affairs, regain energy in hospital, protect children, give birth to children secretly and get into compromise with others. The ascendantendant significations of the 4th house would play a vital role in the determination of the character of the Cancer ascendant borns. They usually live with their relatives, near and dears. So the Cancer ascendant borns will always be selfish and greedy after money. Firstly, please read your analysis in the D-1 chart. Aslesha: Owned by Mercury Lean and stiff nerves. is in the eleventh house to CANCER /KARKA Lagna. Aries, the first sign of Kaalpurusha is the 10, Since Aries is owned by Mars, the ruler of houses 5, Ketu would act like Mercury, the lord of 3. gain press publicity as industrialists, become brokers, book publishers, messengers, composers in printing, writers, bill collectors, accountants, electrical staff, plumbers, salesmen and assistants and will work in professions which require presence of mind and power of memory at times beyond their capacity. He will be of average built. You are likely to experience strong intuitions, and at times psychic sensibilities, and will therefore need to learn the difference between true insight and emotional projection. They may like folk arts and boxing. s in the ninth house to CANCER /KARKA Lagna. Punarvasu 4, Pushyam I, 2, 3, 4 and Aslesha 1,2,3,4. He will neither be tall nor short, will have a broad body, thick hair and charming eyes, be complete in of respect wealth, be righteous, virtuous, fond of bodily pleasures and will dress attractively. SUN in the 7th House . They would get satisfied when their earnings are used for meaningful purposes. The native is unhappy with his younger brothers and sisters and gets no support. Moon's Navamsa and that of its ascendant lord usually determine a native's physical look. Their reputation may be spoilt by their daughters-in-law or sons-in law. Aquarius is an airy sign; hence the Cancer ascendant borns may tend to meet with accidents due to natural calamities, bomb blasts and air pressure. Since Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, the lord of houses 6th & 9th to Cancer, the Cancer ascendant borns may be identified in the fields of law, religion and finance. Yet knowing when to draw the line is paramount. SINCE the 6th house falls in the star of Poorvashada, ruled by Venus, the Cancer ascendant borns will serve in the fields of arts, culture, hardware and paints, glassware, plastics, silk production, become tailors, or weavers, work in vegetable stores, fruit stalls and produce tasty food or sweets. Sun is the lord of 2nd house to Cancer. The D9 chart gives you indications of what you should . This channel will make you a astrologer where you won't need to go to anyone, but you will diagnose your problem yourself because no one has more vested interest in you than you. These programs are to educate everyone on the importance and accuracy of astrology why it still matters. Our research on Birth Time Rectification can rectify the Time of Birth to fractions of a second. SINCE the 4th house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Cancer ascendant born may own agricultural farms, poultries, chemical and fertilizer machinery and industries etc. In his conjunction with the moon & Rahu; the moon is dominating because of the watery sign of cancer & Kendra house placement. Now simply the effects of Navamsas in ascendant. SINCE the 2nd house falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, the Cancer ascendant born may earn through their skills of speech and by disclosing truth. Capricorn the 10th sign of Kaalpurushais the 7th house to Cancer So the Cancer ascendant borns would be able to do partnership ventures. Fourth Navamsa: One born in the 4th Navamsa of a sign will be ever engaged in gathering whatever is there to remember and see on the earth and in the heavens. This house is a fiery and common sign; so the Cancer ascendant borns will suffer from multiple diseases caused by excessive body heat. Capricorn, the 10th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 7th house to Cancer. The Cancer ascendant borns may invent micro instruments through secret research, may work in the fields of secret notes, documents, accounts, income-expenditure statements, agreements, adulteration, photographs, marketing and sales. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon describes who you already are. Navamsa chart is very important for analyzing your chart in full. Aries /Mesha the first ZODIAC sign is in the tenth house to CANCER /KARKA Lagna. Mars Ruling Navamsa Ascendant: One born in a Navamsa of Mars (Aries or Scorpio) will have brown hair, round eyes and somewhat a depressed back, be fair in complexion, will have ugly or diseased nails and a scarred body and be lustful. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Moon is the lord of Cancer. The Cancer ascendant borns may involve in secret legal activities and fake currency notes, threaten by issuing legal notices through courts, get into income-tax troubles and will be imprisoned by court of law and their secret properties will be seized by the government. Scorpio is ruled by Mars. zabbix status page. Venus Ruling Navamsa Ascendant: One born in a Navamsa of Venus (Taurus or Libra) will have downward-looking eyes, soft hair, attractive form, neck resembling a conch (Le. Family is likely to be very important to you. Hence the Cancer ascendant borns will have affectionate spouses with belief in moral values. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Pisces Ascendant House Lords, Meen Lagna analysis with their house lords. for eg. Pisces is a watery sign, so the Cancer ascendant borns will excel in their higher education; they may be priests and preachers and may undertake sea voyages. You must learn what is and IS NOT yours to be responsible for.If not achieved, then your life may feature constant episodes of drama and emotional intensity. What are the chances of Narender Modi winning in 2019 Elections, Vedic scriptures in Sanskrit (Devanagari). Venus, the ruler of houses 4th & 11th to Cancer, is the lord of this sign, Libra. Cancer is a water sign and when Rahu is placed in a water sign, it makes the native highly emotional and caring. Thus, native attains various characteristics of Moon as well. Such a person needs to make relevant changes in his lifestyle and food habits. For Aquarius ascendant Jupiter is lord of 2nd and 11th house. First house of Dasamsa shows reputation, ideals and principles. What can be predicted when you are Lagna of Cancer Ascendant and Navamsa is Virgo Ascendant? You can get support from your family. With this placement you can have emotional way of talking. Native born in this navamsha has a tendency to over-think of issues. Such a person is highly emotional. So the Cancer ascendant borns will be greedy in earning gold and money. SINCE the 7th house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the Cancer borns will be in public service and work for the development,of people, have spouses with self-pride and may have to serve under rude officers. Hence the Cancer ascendant borns will have increasing number of customers, make professional gains from society and would see development of their spouses or partners. Capricorn Ascendant sign lord is Saturn of 1st and 2nd house in a horoscope. 89. be appreciated in journals and magazines for their artistic performances, publish books on arts, work in advertising agencies, study fine arts which requires imagination and intelligence, enter into agreements for artistic performances, change the orders of transfer and excel in arts of imagination. Such a person should be very careful about his as well. You may enjoy frequent changes of environment, allowing you to soak up the most of what life has to offer by soaking up the atmospheres of unfamiliar places. Hasta Nakshatra Pada 4: Falls in Cancer Navamsa ruled by Moon. VIRGO is ruled by MERCURYhence MERCURY will be the lord of this house. So the Cancer ascendant borns may have to live in a joint family. Healthy relationships need to be formed without guilt or co-dependency. Scorpio is a watery sign. He knows how to take care of everyone around one and often seen as an idol for many around. The name "Astrojyoti" is a registered copyright of S.P.Tata. When some wants to know what planet in what house does what, or what planet in what sign does what, this is the channel they come to. and the team have been researching Vedic astrology and Nadi Shastra. Moon is the lord of Cancer. Since Aries is a movable and fiery sign, the Cancer ascendant borns will prosper through profession; though they may have to hold tension-prone posts. In your professional or personal life there may be a tendency to avoid direct confrontation. may hold honorary post of a zamindar, own industries, responsible for government documents, have administrative capabilities and will generally be famous persons. ay be trainers in sports and politics, run sports centres, manufacture artistic goods, own religious centres, auditoriums, prostitution dens and may be preachers of Vedic concepts. They may issue insolvency notice and involve in illegal affairs during their service. Growing up with an uncle who was a Vedic Astrologer himself made it very easy for me to dive into the ocean of astrology and discover many secrets which I share with you on KRSchannel, the fastest growing astrology channel on you tube. He is highly imaginative and often try to do new things, to keep himself entertained and occupied. You can find yourself in relationships where one partner plays the role of adult and the other becomes the child. win contracts, earn fame through higher education, do barter exchanges, will be teachers or head masters, manufacture novel things through research, have illegal affairs with servants, involve in imports, run research centres, construct temples, form trusts, make artificial organs, work as clerks in courts, panchayat offices, archeological and ancient memorials, receive subsidies from foreign countries and will be involved in production of taxable goods. Ascendant Navamsa is known as the rising Navamsa or Udit Navamsa or Lagna Navamsa. 685. This will help him to attain better opportunities in life. SINCE the falls in the star of Mrigasira, ruled by Mars, the Cancer ascendant borns will have unfaithful friends, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, struggle for success and satisfaction and greedy with vigour. For a well-rounded picture, the qualities of yourSun Sign and Houseshould be considered, as well as the qualities of yourMoon sign. Vedic Astrology is not more about psychological reading but actual physical reading that also shows your exact timing of events like marriage, children, career, graduation, accidents, illness etc. Leo, the fifth sign to Kaalpurusha is the 2nd house to Cancer; so the Cancer ascendant borns will mainly converse about arts, literature, culture, astrology, religion, politics, sports, children, gambling etc. Your relationship with your family member will be good. Navamsa is the Main Divisional chart for checking Marriage prospect, spouse nature and character etc. SINCE the 6lh house falls in the star Moola, ruled by Ketu, the Cancer ascendant borns will avail loans with criminal intentions, serve in the jobs wherein acid is used, face criminal charges, may practice as criminal advocates or as doctors (Gastro entreomologists), serve with criminal motives and will not hesitate to involve in criminal activities. 697. These characteristics would also apply to business partners & customers. 685. They might have to work heavily, serve in double-natured jobs and in jobs wherein maintenance of secrecy would be required. They care a lot about others and they are willing to do anything to help them and comfort others. However, their family life would always be in trouble and the relationships between husband and wife would not remain cordial leading to frustrations in life. Ideals are high on water signs like cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. face problems in competitive examination centres, suffer more due to severe diseases in hospitals, due to the negligence of nurses and by side-effects of medicines, suffer from allergy through food and dress, acidity tablets, meet with accidents while producing medicines and face allegations in lodges. He possesses a restless mind, which keeps most of his time occupied analyzing the situations of life. Production with own ideas and self-thoughts, courageous acts, heart, lungs, kidney and other productive organs of the body, functioning of the body, excessive production in the body, independent purchases, increasing of strength, desired actions. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the lord of houses 7th & 8th to Cancer. Virgo, the 6th sign to Kaalpurusha is the 3rd house to Cancer; so the Cancer ascendant borns will have self-confidence and courage; they will often have to face litigations and court cases; suffer from diseases in nerves and veins. Gemini is a house of Mercury, the lord of houses 3. face breaks in happy and cordial relations and peaceful agreements, force opposite sex for love and incur expenditure in the fields of arts and culture. It also describes the kinds of experiences you need to have to make your life meaningful. It is a house ruled by Mars, lord of houses 5. run competitive centres for arts and culture, become gynaecologists, blood-testing technicians, nurses, organisers of feasts, tailors of rich and artistic costumes, producers of naturopathy medicines, drug inspectors, commission agents and servants in lodges or cinema halls etc. They are strong and steady in their love affairs and their children will be blessed with long life. Your email address will not be published. If the Saptamsa of the 3rd house falls in a sign ruled by one of Sun, Mars and Jupiter or being aspect to one of them, the subject will have younger brothers. SINCE the 2nd house falls in the star of Poorvapalguni, ruled by Venus, as per planetary significations, the rich Cancer ascendant borns may earn from gold and valuables, silk and cosmetics, costly artistic goods, joyous and eloquent speech and through film-financing etc. So the Cancer ascendant borns will study research and in foreign countries; may have secret illegal affairs; have the ability to find new and novel things and may research in religious matters; they may have to live in foreign countries. Your Cancer Ascendant (or Cancer Rising Sign) reveals the ways in which you present yourself to others, as well as the ways in which you immediately respond to the world around you. Capricorn is a movable and earthy sign; so the Cancer ascendant borns will get professional gains from society. He is likely to suffer from kuph related diseases. SINCE the 4th house falls in the star of Vishakha, owned by Jupiter, the Cancer ascendant borns may hold legally valid properties, educational centres and big organisations, may be land inspectors, manufacturers of goods for temples, food items, silk, cotton and turmeric and may do business in real estates etc. They may be put under police or military actions; they may be troubled by brothers and assaulted with weapons or bombs; face cruel accidents; will not hesitate to involve in rapes, murders, forgery and cheatings and to be a part of suicide squads. 1) Analyse your Navamsa lord of 7th lord (From lagan chart)in lagan chart. Aries is a fiery sign; so the Cancer ascendant borns will become industrialists and would hold responsibilities as leaders. It also describes the kinds of experiences you need to have to make your life meaningful. He himself is the subject of thinking. Such situations bury deep inside their head, which often reminds him of things happened to him in the past. Yet at the end of the day you must tread your own path. Taurus /Rishaba the second ZODIAC sign is in the eleventh house to CANCER /KARKA Lagna. w. in contracts, earn fame through higher education, do barter exchanges, will be teachers or head masters, manufacture novel things through research. Gemini is an airy sign. You make sense of life through instinct and intuition, so should listen to your hunches. Taurus is a house of Venus; so the Cancer ascendant borns will always be happy persons with joyful company of friends, sons-in-law, daughters-in law and elder brother. The Moon compels them to feel first and think later, giving a sympathetic, receptive nature. Leo, the 5th house to Kaalpurushais the 2nd house to Cancer. the lord of PUNARVASU nakshatra is JUPITER, if the native born between.03 degree 20 minutes , If the native born between.16 degree 40 minutes . Such a person can have an obese body as well. Notes: Following are the effects of ascendants occurring in Navamsa or the one ninth division. The rising sign and planets disposed in the Navamsa lagna influence these aspects of person in addition to the influences of the Rasi lagna. At the evolutionary stage of Cancer, the soul learns about emotions' nature. Seventh Navamsa: One born in the 7th Navamsa will be mighty, intelligent, heroic, defeated in a war and be of firm thinking and much enthusiasm. This entire channel is hosted by me alone, Kapiel Raaj. Pisces is a common and watery sign. Aquarius/Kumbha the eleventh ZODIAC sign is in the eighth house to CANCER /KARKA Lagna. So the Cancer ascendant borns will hold responsible and vital posts, become industrialists or executive officers and work in fire-related professions or in the fields of land & buildings, government documents, police and military. Cancer rising gives business acumen, and you could do well as an entrepreneur owing to your heightened sense of how to cater to public tastes. 684. So the Cancer ascendant borns will show professional excellence with their skills of conversations and in-born nature of speaking truth and increase their professional activities through money. He will be short-lived, be skilful in buying and selling, be courageous, wealthy, happy and endowed with an excellent female, with robes, garlands and ornaments. Gemini is ruled by MERCURYhence MERCURY will be the lord of this house. With Cancer rising your home is very important, providing a sanctuary from the outside world. Career forecast know Your promotions increments job changes ups & downs in career. It literally means the 9 aspects in our life. Letting go so as to develop independence and strength is crucial. Saturn is the lord of houses 7th & 8th to Cancer. It is a divisional chart and has been given immense importance in Vedic Astrology. A Cancer Ascendant means you will feel at home anywhere that creates a strong emotional connection, so may find yourself wanting to live anywhere that makes you feel good. Mars is also the lord of houses 5th & 10th . Your sense of rhythm and timing will lead you to where you need to go. He will be wicked, envious, skilful in usurping the acquisitions of females and be less righteous. Taurus is a house of Venus, the lord of houses 4th & 11th to Cancer. 683. He is helpful to his friends and would cross any limit to help them resolve their problems. Their debates will turn into quarrels. They may undertake foreign journeys and pilgrimage. The D-1 and Navamsa chart is a link you can't read them alone. SINCE the 9th house falls in the star of Revathi, ruled by Mercury, the Cancer ascendant borns will become clerks in research centres, teachers of higher education, counselors, lawyers, mathematicians, agents for imports and exports, government cashiers and statisticians and work in embassies or information & field publicity departments. You will happily take on the role of responsible care-giver in any situation and will thrive on knowing you have a happy and productive family life. Moon :- represents our mind, emotional feelings, mother, motherly nourishment, homely environment, comfort zone. They may suffer from hereditary diseases and piles. ave ability to act as a counselor in responsible posts; may excel in their profession through advertisements; may also receive orders for honorary posts and wide appreciations for their administrative skills; may do business by utilizing their status. They might spend money on their secret affairs or relations or for renovation of temples, face financial crisis due to new professional ventures, will be unable to liquidate capital, make discoveries and will continue their research education. Get 15+ Pages of FREE HOROSCOPE and DASHA PREDICTIONS (, General nature of the sign Cancer Ascendant or Karka Lagna, ASCENDANT RELATED SIGNIFICATIONS OF CANCER / KARKA. They are more interested in secret notes, letters and correspondence. In a few cases when cuspal interlinks are also indicative, they may become incestuous. SINCE the 12th house falls in the star of Arudra, ruled by Rahu, the Cancer ascendant borns may undertake secret investigations, have to serve in atomic power stations and gunpowder industries or serve as anaesthetist or oxygen-assistants and may be hijackers of planes. Therefore Navamsa means 9 th division of a sign. He will be tall, will have attractive hair and very soft palms with superior lines. Trust your feelings and learn to decipher between what is real information and what is just an emotional response. Taurus is a house of Venus, the lord of houses 4. have love affairs, happy relationships enter into peaceful agreements and will be interested in the fields of arts and culture. Ketu, would act like Mercury, the lord of 3rd & 12th houses to Cancer, the Cancer ascendant borns. SINCE the ascendantendant falls in the star of Pushyam, owned by Saturn, the lord of houses 7th & 8th to Cancer, the Cancer ascendant borns will be slow in their actions, pessimistic in nature, indisciplined, fearful, doubtful, unhesitant to use dirty places, submissive to slavery, loss of memory and confusion, would be willing to share others sorrows. The Sun is exalted. CAPRICORN/MAKARA the tenth ZODIAC sign is in the seventh house to CANCER /KARKA Lagna. He will be short-lived, be skilful in buying and selling, be courageous, wealthy, happy and endowed with an excellent female, with robes, garlands and ornaments. Ask a free question and get your instant answer with simple remedies here, Shani Shanti Homam on the Shani Jayanti 30th May 2022. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Now on consideration of co-born from Saptamsa. Saturn too is in his own sign Capricorn. suffer mental tensions caused by and will be cheated by spouses/partners/customers. So the Cancer ascendant borns will, serve in macro-institutions of lands, vehicles & properties, prepare food varieties, serve in production of livestock, become school teachers or producers of house-hold articles and organise decorations of stages for dances and music concerts. cancer ascendant in navamsa. You must also learn to trust what your instincts are telling you. Their debates will turn into quarrels. consider the lordship of saturn from moon and surya as well and then decide the result. You may also be inclined toward stinginess, owing to an overly cautious attitude to money, which comes down to fear about having the ability to control external circumstances. They are also adept in creating problems and to spread rumors at a windy speed. The Navamsa or D9 chart is one of the most important divisional charts for predictions, timing of events and most importantly remedies that can change your life for better. In astrology, the Moon embodies what is considered to be the unconscious or subconscious self, our emotions and reactions, instincts, childhood memories, and . So the Cancer ascendant borns will, meet with accidents at dance and music programs and in sports, spoil their own reputations in love affairs, will not hesitate to rape, will be put into disrespect in politics, arts and culture, will be punished in sports, will be harassed in prostitution lodges, behave rudely in indecent dance shows, involve in brawls at bars and impure religious rituals. Leo is a fiery and fixed sign. They tend to expect and like only happier moments in life. Taurus, the 2nd sign of the Kaalpurusha is the 11th house to Cancer. Since Mercury is the lord of this sign which is the lord of houses 3rd & 12th to Cancer, the Cancer ascendant borns may serve as document writers, registrars, clerks, postmen, communication agents, electricity line-men, ambassadors, advertisers, tax collectors, proofreaders, brokers and journalists etc (3rd house). Hence the Cancer ascendant borns may have to serve in jobs wherein fire is used. The rising sign may not be as soft and gentle as the stereotype might envision as the constellation of Ashlesha (Cancer 16.20-30.00) can have a poisoned tongue and be prone to gossip and even the auspicious Pushya Nakshatra section (Cancer 3.20-16.40) can be prone to melancholy and depression and criticism with Saturn being the ruler. Jupiter Ruling Navamsa Ascendant: One born in a Navamsa of Jupiter (Sagittarius or Pisces) will be dark in complexion, will have a belly of lotus shape and an attractive face with eyes reflecting the brilliance of a blue lily. Rahu will act like Jupiter, the lord of houses 6, un centres for competitive examinations or research laboratories, produce food, medicine and medical goods, will do tailoring, arrange for medical camps, raise loans on properties, let houses for rent, will be purchasers, own inns, lodges and win tenders. You may be very adaptable to change in your external circumstances, but need a peaceful and secure home base for your foundation. The native pursues his chore business diligently and earns wealth. SINCEthe 10lh house falls in the star of Krittika, ruled by Sun, the Cancer ascendant borns will become government officers, work in government, quasi-government or public sector undertakings. Scorpio the 8th house of Kaalpurusha is the 5th house to Cancer.Hence the Cancer ascendant borns will have to face reversions, dejections or disrespect in the fields of arts, culture, sports or in gambling. 691. For greatest success, you need to understand how the ebb and flow of your own inner cycles, letting intuition guide you.

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